Hello, we are sorry for the downtime in the recent days, we are aiming to improve this, due to some of the updates we are still having slight issues with server stability, please be patient while we work to get everything fixed. Thanks.
well it allows me to get into the cpanel. and even lets me into the server to get mail with thunderbird. i can even use filezilla to poke around at my files. but nothing when i type the url into a browser. just acts as if i typed in something wrong like a retard. if it was really down it shouldnt let me get mail or files off of it. so why does the url not work?
btw hellsheep....lol your site is borked too
any clue how long its going to be down? and this isnt just a today thing this is everyday for the last month it seems. ever since i opened my account its been this way. it works for about 3 hours at night then bam nothing for sometimes days at a time. granted i love the service. email php mysql... have moved here because the last site i did hosting at was a joke. and i paid for my domain there. grrrr. just get upset that i can work on my projects when i want to lol....let me know when its expected to come back online