I'm not risking another Vista OS fiasco
I just feel that the big and good os release for Microsoft is Windows Vista, They just released at wrong time. When they released the vista at the same time they released the windows XP servicepack 2. Which ruined everything. The XP with SP2 is become best practical os. And Most of them don't want to upgrade to vista.
And one more problem with the vista is it came in 2006 and at that time asking for whole 1GB RAM is 4 times on which XP runs (256MB) is big thing

And for vista the drivers are written badly(buggy) which made it a failure. It is general first time when the os releases the drivers may fails. Which made advantage to
XP with SP2.
And about Windows 7, In my opinion It is vista with speed enhancements and perfect timing and also releasing the beta and RC to public made it popular and most of the people get used to it.
Finally, I am not a windows fanboy. When I read that article I truly agreed with the views of the author
I don't have source right now, but when i find it in my bookmarks I will post it.