The problem isn't "lack of support", it's that with the high potential for abuse of services on a free hosting platform (copyright violation, hate mongering, fraud, and so forth) with little or no up-front risk to the account holder and no verifiable identification required, the content of the site must be verifiable. As you may be aware, machine translations are unreliable and often unable to translate some words or idioms at all. Staff here (and the volunteers who supplement that staff) can use a machine translation to verify a manual translation, but would not be able to monitor content in a language they cannot understand.
As for Arabic, which Arabic? Apart from Modern Standard Arabic (the "high language") and the Arabic of the Qur'an, the "Arabic-speaking" peoples speak a wide variety of very different languages. Egyptian Arabic is no more like Saudi Arabic than French is like Portuguese, so it's not just a matter of having an "Arabic guy" on staff. And what about all of the other languages that have a literate culture? Why Arabic and not Farsi or Urdu? Or Chinese (many languages, but the written versions are mutually understandable) or Hindi? The number of people required to look after all of this gets pretty big pretty fast.
Things are different on the paid plans (Premium and VPS) because the site owner has a financial stake in the deal and has a real name (or at least a payment history) associated with the account, so there is far less risk to the company.