I don't really want one. First of all, I've heard that the internet browsing speed is dreadfully slow if you don't connect via a WiFi network. AT&T isn't exactly known for having a strong mobile internet network, because it doesn't really have one. Also, $500 for only 4 GB? There better be a way to expand it (ie. SD memory?), otherwise you've only got about one thousand songs' worth of space, nevermind videos and pictures.
Also, did you know that the iPhone can't send picture messages? You also can't shoot videos, and there is no voice commands, which a lot of people are used to seeing in their cell phones.
I'm happy enough with my
Samsung SCH-u740. It can really do everything the iPhone does, just in a cheaper, more basic package. Also, you can use micro-SD memory sticks with it to expand its memory capacity.
If you've got the money to drop on the iPhone and you don't mind giving up a few superfluous features that most other new phone's have, then the iPhone is for you. It is definitely an impressive piece of technology, especially the ability for dual-touch controls on the touch screen and whatnot. I would probably get one if 1) it was cheaper OR was about 30+ GB in size, 2) I didn't already have a Zune and a nice cell phone, and 3) if I didn't have to switch from Verizon to AT&T.
I CAN tell you, though, that I am quite sick of the dumb commercials they play on every channel on TV... "and this [pause] is a call [pause] on your iPhone" ... SHOVE IT.