in case no one noticed the "free service" was offline again.. or at least the database portion was.
the service here is horrible.. every week it's something else.
I've been with X10 for months now and they have had weeks and weeks worth of down time.
It's offline for updates, offline for attempted upgrades, offline cause upgrades went wrong, offline for transfers, offline for move to new site, offline cause the transfer process is tediously slow, offline to do more updates.. oh and my fave.. during the move things changed and PS>. here's a fix for it.. good luck doing it yourself.. cause were not going to fix the thing that we broke on you in the first place..
i said it else where in a ticket and i'll say it again
service is terribad.. absolutely the most unstable free service i have ever had the displeasure of using and not one single "we're sorry." Matter of fact.. they tend to just ignore tickets for days and days on end..
T E R R I B A D!