I think the idea with bringing up medicine and patents is that faulty copyright laws and practices extend beyond the entertainment industry, and can be particularly heinous in some industries such as medicine. Generics for $10 is pretty good compared to the name-brand patented one that's $45 right? You'd get that one generic if you could right? But a pharm co will hold onto that patent at YOUR expense, as well as at the expense of the health of many who cannot afford it. Giving away samples as a prescription is technically dishonest on the part of the physician (but not stealing per se), but some things are more valuable than the "technical dishonesty" right? A Dr. has to trade a little integrity for the sake of benevolence.
But you're right, food and medicine are essential whereas entertainment is a luxury, so the ethics concerned is a little different. But still. If people cannot afford the medicine, and the Dr.s can't provide samples, they have to go without!!?!?! Wow. So a patient with renal disease can't afford the diuretics he needs to save himself from End Stage Renal Disease, dialysis, and a 5 year death sentence, so he just has to go without, just because some pharm co won't budge on its patent, and the patient can't get the generic label? That's pretty cold.
I like that internet radio has more variety than regular radio, so I actually -can- have some choice in what free music I listen to, rather than having the Big Biz tell me which popular crappy songs I have to listen to. I remember Yahoo used to have a "pick your own songs" type of radio until they discontinued it. :tear:
lolwut?! So the schools are to blame for your Fs?!

And you think you'll be successful getting Fs as long as you "know your stuff"?!

U haz lawtz 2 lern abowt lif
This is totally off subject but, I have a theory about education. Somewhere out there is an employer, who is looking for people to eat a bucket of crap and produce at least average (C grade) quality goods and services. B grade goods is good, as long as it doesn't cost more, and A grade goods are the best. They have little to go on about who to hire except for little pieces of paper. You can have a resume that tells them all your skillz, but without a degree? Oh, where'd that recycle bin go?
What's a degree? It's a piece of paper that says "This person ate a bucket of crap and produced X" where X can be As, Bs, Cs, Ds, or Fs. A high school diploma means "This person ate a bucket of crap and produced at least Cs out of it." An undergraduate degree means "This person ate the high school crap and then came to eat our bucket of crap, and produced at least Cs out of it." A graduate degree means "This person ate crap for 12 years, and then ate 4 more years of crap, and then came here and ate even more crap, and still produced at least Cs." So the employer says "Well! This person's capacity to eat crap and still do the work is exceptional!" And then you get the job. The last thing an employer wants is a person who can't tolerate crap.
So some advice for you phazzedout: learn to tolerate crap, and you'll be more likely to succeed. /endrant
Meanwhile, as a medical student, I suppose I'm a pig. It would seem to me though, that what you encountered is a phenomenon not unique to medicine (in fact, it's everywhere) called "Can't Be Bothered to Care" which consists of people who aren't getting paid enough and get little appreciation or satisfaction from their jobs. If you aren't getting anything out of it, why put any effort into it? So being rude to your Doctor and the nurses doesn't really help. So, they spend 1-3 weeks trying to figure it out, and doing everything they can to try to help you, and the best you can do to repay them is curse them and storm out? Wow. If most of their patients are like that, and if it were me, I'd probably stop caring too. I mean, if I were a Doc, I'd be thinking, "I ate 12 years of crap, then 4 more years of crap, then another 4 years of crap, and anywhere from 4 to 12 years more crap, and produced nothing but As, and here I am, where more often than not I don't get paid because insurance denies coverage and the patient is too poor to pay it, I don't sleep properly because I'm always on call, I have already come to terms with the fact that all my relationships and family life will suffer because my work eats all my time, and some rude little prick walks in here and presumes to know medicine better than I do, chews out my nurses, and curses me out?"
IP came about because the creators would come up with an idea and some prick would steal it, claim it for his own, and make absurd amounts of money for it. Creators had to come up with ways to protect themselves, and patents and IP laws were part of that. I'm all for free market, free flow of ideas, and the like, but the more "freedom" you give a society, the more likely the scum of the earth will find ways to exploit others. And the more laws you make to limit the scum from exploiting others, the more loopholes they find to exploit. It's just the way it goes. And when you have the scum making the laws, or paying lawmakers to make laws in their favor? Interesting how it works eh?
But I typically use Creative Commons too, because I don't mind people using my ideas, as long as they credit me. And if they're making some money off of it, I'd like to at least know about it, and have a share maybe. If the idea was modified enough, or they added their own ideas to it, then I won't pursue it, except to have some credit.