I hate to step in like this, but once again, I am as lost in what you guys are talking about, as probably 90% of your users are. Nulled scripts??? Even after the techno garb explinations, I have some clue what you're talking about, but some may not.. Maybe this is beause I'm not advanced enough in my abilities to do/use/or know what ever this is. But if I am doing so, or another user is, with out knowing, how are we supposed to understand without something happening that ends up appearing as an unprovoked attack (abstract point of view). I personally could use some examples.
Further more, I, as I'm sure all of your users, would very much appreciate, being NOTIFIED of ANYTHING that effects their site, rather than AIMLESSLY searching the forums for something, when they don't even know what it is we
SHOULD be looking for. This might also reduce the number of incidences that end up requiring a one on one resolution.
I don't know, but I hope this explaination helps allieviate alot of tension between X10 and it's users.
What are you talking about?
A nulled script is a script that needs a license, and someone has "nulled" or removed the file that makes sure you have a valid license key. Therefore making the script/system illegal.
many of us may not know what file(s) they may have that fit this description.
Many new users are experimenting for the first time, and are clueless as to how to proceed... so they try whatever
THEY think works or
MIGHT work. Most users that are already quite familiar, know what a "CMS" is, but others are just learning. And what better place to do it than on a free server, that doesn't charge you for the time and space "wasted" during their learning process.
Take SMF for example. Very powerful forum system, as well as phpBB 3 and in the case of SMF, you can turn it into a mini CMS using the ssi.php file (?) that comes with the software.
many of us do not understand, or are unfirmiliar with acronyms being used.
I hope you guys find this helpful
(if there are spelling errors...sorry...spell checking didn't function)
I'm putting alot of time and effort into my site, and I get really nervous when things "burp", and don't know why. Spending hours looking for the answer, only to not understand it when found, if it is found, is SUPER frustrating.