I have been relatively new to x10hosting. But, I have to say, that you guys are actually trying to do something here compared to others. Everyone has the right to share their opinion as does everyone has the right to leave their hosting provider. I am saying this because if you do not like something you change it. Your guys attitude on your hosting is great and it is one that I share when creating a website. If you do not like it then leave.
Overall, your service has been great and I understand the headaches you all have when something does not work and your customers get really ticked off. I, myself, have a computer building service and have repeatedly had customers come up to me and tell me this is not what they wanted or something is not working. I have realized that, most of the time, it is something that they did or it is something that they signed off for that they did not read.
My whole point on this post is that do not just say that the hosting sucks and that you all need to get your act straight. We need to all come together as a community and figure out ways that, us the customers, can solve our problems. It looks like you guys have a solution and it sounds like one that will work. Us, as the customers, need to follow the hidden rules on making website, backup often and expect things to go wrong. Thank you so much for your web hosting and this solution looks like it should work, in theory at least
