I logged into my cPanel and saw this on the left side
Disk Space Usage - 0.05 / ∞
What does this mean? Normally, that symbol means unlimited space but if that is so, why does my FileZilla FTP client tell me "Response: 552 Disk full - please upload later" when I try to upload a file?
Also, when trying to delete an email account, I get this message after clicking the delete button
The disk write test failed. You may have exceeded your quota, or the disk is full.
Disk Space Usage - 0.05 / ∞
What does this mean? Normally, that symbol means unlimited space but if that is so, why does my FileZilla FTP client tell me "Response: 552 Disk full - please upload later" when I try to upload a file?
Also, when trying to delete an email account, I get this message after clicking the delete button

The disk write test failed. You may have exceeded your quota, or the disk is full.