Today (Oct 3, 2024, 2-3pm Pacific Time) I've been trying to login and go to the control panel. But I get an error message ("500 | Internal Server Error") when I try to login (image below).

If I click on "CLICK HERE TO GO HOME" link I'm able to get to a page that has a link to the control panel. But when I click to enter that, I get a second error message ("Internal error. Please refresh the page and try again"):

Refreshing the page does not help. I always get the error message.
I've been trying to login for at least an hour, but always get the error messages. Yesterday and for quite a while, my account has been working fine. But this problem did occur before; I posted about it on Aug 12, 2024 (CLICK TO VIEW POST). Now the problem has returned.
Could someone get this fixed?

If I click on "CLICK HERE TO GO HOME" link I'm able to get to a page that has a link to the control panel. But when I click to enter that, I get a second error message ("Internal error. Please refresh the page and try again"):

Refreshing the page does not help. I always get the error message.
I've been trying to login for at least an hour, but always get the error messages. Yesterday and for quite a while, my account has been working fine. But this problem did occur before; I posted about it on Aug 12, 2024 (CLICK TO VIEW POST). Now the problem has returned.
Could someone get this fixed?