Recent content by eternal1

  1. E

    Cannot unsuspend despite on 2'nd warning !

    Thanks for that, I had no idea about this server distro.
  2. E

    Cannot unsuspend despite on 2'nd warning !

    garrettroyce, thank you for an excellent post :)
  3. E

    Cannot unsuspend despite on 2'nd warning !

    Thanks for the replies garretroyce ! Turns out my second suspension with the second warning related to the index page containing this non-removed aforementioned while(1){} loop: echo $_REQUEST['message'] . '<br/>'; while(1){} Which I thought I had changed to: if ($_REQUEST['action'] ==...
  4. E

    Cannot unsuspend despite on 2'nd warning !

    I can access the main page and the forum now, but had tremendous problems with FTP, can login to FTP too now, at least on and off, and very slowly. -edit- I'd still like to know what the exact reason for the suspension was though. If I don't get the reason I won't dare to research my forum mod :(
  5. E

    Cannot unsuspend despite on 2'nd warning !

    I can login to the FTP server now and access my files, but couldn't before. The forum however remains inaccessible, for me at least.
  6. E

    Cannot unsuspend despite on 2'nd warning !

    So I was in the process understanding a few things about the post function in the smf forum software so I could write a mod providing a certain poster privileged functionality. Anyway I just started (like I do always) by writing out a certain variable in the index.php script. I guess I shouldn't...
  7. E

    my tables are lost from database

    Yesterday when I was working on my script that fetched some data from the forum database (just reading, I have yet not written one single code to write anything to it) I got "database is full" errors, I went to the forum and i got the same error. Now I get an error message titled "database...
  8. E

    Host crash caused loss of data?

    I'm on lotus, and my SMF SQLite db is reported full. When I login to cpanel all I see is a blank white page. so I cannot check any info either. Is Lotus under maintenance also ?
  9. E

    Slow Server

    Thanks for the replies. I can tell you all that it is fast for the moment. Hopefully the speed will remain like this most of the time :) Oh, I'm on Lotus ! *edit* 1+ hour later it is very slow again !
  10. E

    Slow Server

    Mine is for the forum.
  11. E

    Slow Server

    I installed the SMF forum package, and While it doesn't literally take 5 minutes for me to (re)load every page it is indeed very slow, anyone will give up visiting such a forum lol :biggrin:
  12. E

    Can't log to cPanel

    Same for me !
  13. E

    Domain available...?

    hmm, I can see yours now, but still not mine, hopefully I'll see a result soon :happysad: LadyAnna told me you the account holder can at least view (code and experiment with) the pages at this URL:
  14. E

    Domain available...?

    I successfully registered today, and can access the control panel. I have created a few php and html files, but, I have the exact same problem, and clearing the cache does nothing. I even tried this guys site, and again: "Domain available" :dunno: *edit* I even tried accessing my "site" in...
  15. E

    Provided wrong email address for the free signup!

    So I happened to provide wrong email address for the free hosting account. I was able to change the one for the forum but not to the web hosting, there's no way to do that. Also this is the Account Panel page: "Confirm Account Email Address In order to use your hosting account, you must...