Ok, I sense shenanigans. First off, thank you very much for your post on embedding a YouTube channel into a web site. I've been searching the internet for the past hour on how to do so. But second, do you realize how big of a double-take I did when I read "Let's use 'fearofmobs' as an example"?! I literally logged out of YouTube and hit refresh about 8 times. Are you subscribed to me or something? Third, I'm still freaked out. So freaked out that I went and created a new account and wrote this message to you.
Ok, I've taken a breather. I'm not raging at you by any means, just totally surprised. I mean, what are the chances that if I go out looking for a tutorial on what I need to do on my web site, and find exactly what I need, and the example used is my show Fear of Mobs!
And not only that, but you only posted this yesterday! I mean, WOW! It's too good to be a coincidence. Sersiously, do you subscribe to the show?
Thank you again for the post, it really helped!