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  1. P

    Please Have A review

    yes, i think it is unprofessional, you need to run spell check, and i also think that the layout is very unclean, and mismatched. Good luck!
  2. P

    Some Of My Work

    not bad, not original though
  3. P

    Review my site!

    ok, what does the splash page actually do, does it actually load it, because it doesnt look that way. also your logo should be readable. you should make a better color scheme, it hurts my eyes to try and read. you should make your navigation change when you mouse over it. also you shouldnt...
  4. P

    Webcomic site, need review please

    its simple, i dont like the tables on some of the pages, and i dont like the curved heading at the top of the page. other than that its good, nothing exciting, but not as bad as some other sites i have seen.
  5. P

    Mail on lotus

    nope doesnt help, i use ff, tried chrome and ie none of them work
  6. P

    Mail on lotus

    ive never really used mail until recently, and when i went to log in for mail, i can click on squirrel mail or horde, but neither of them load, its really annoying, i set up my gmail account to get the emails, but i would still like to use squirrel mail. cpanel username: pmg url: check my sig...
  7. P

    Review my own comics site

    you have some layout issues on the left with your news section, also you should get an image for the big space at the top, or make the navigation go horizontal instead of vertically. other than that i think its good, just needs more content.
  8. P

    Please review my WP site:

    i like it, and i dont really see anything wrong, to get visitors in your site make sure you 1. have lots of good content 2. have your site in search engines 3. advertise (optional, but really helpful) Good luck!
  9. P

    Please review -

    i like it, its simple, but organized but i dont like the stars that trail the mouse, they are unnecessary, other than that its all good.
  10. P

    Where to go now?

    ok if you need a photo editor that is free and easy, but powerful check out at and for your site 1. you shouldnt just have search on one page, it should be right by where you have google friend connect. 2. Get a graphical menu system, text links are very...
  11. P

    Free Help

    Yea i think it might help a little bit, thanks for the response!
  12. P

    Free Help

    I was just browsing the forums when i realized that there was another section below the spanish, the free help. I think that the free help should go under news and announcements, so when you log in its right there. It really doesnt matter to me, but it might help out some new people.
  13. P

    Review my site

    i like it all, the only thing that i noticed was how long the background took to load, because it loaded almost a minute later, so if you optimized that it would all be good. Great job!
  14. P

    Please Review!

    i overall like it, but at the bottom one of the rounded corners in in the wrong place, also when i go to a different page the width is different. Other than that i like it.
  15. P

    Please review my template

    yes, it is all good, maybe a little too simple, also the scrollbars at the bottom of the page do not look right. Good luck!
  16. P

    my domain isn't working

    ok first make sure that you have the name servers set to ns1.x10hosting and for your domain. also make sure that you have added your domain in cpanel. if you have already done those two things then you just have to wait for the name servers to update, they can take up...
  17. P

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  18. P

    Count to 200

    Re: Count to 50 and 50 :)
  19. P

    new site, need feedback

    i like all of it, except for the left hand navigation when you mouse over the links the pinkish/red is hard on my eyes, im using a laptop screen, but you might want to tone that down a little bit. Other than that i like the site, keep up the good work!
  20. P


    welcome to x10 hope you enjoy your stay!