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  1. calistoy

    Contact Form

    More info would be the script's code and the error message word for word.
  2. calistoy

    sql database problem

    There are only 2 databases available for free hosting. The cPanel is giving you the wrong number of available databases so ignore it. You really did reach the maximum number of databases.
  3. calistoy

    Phpmyadin and databases

    How does it not work? Are there any error messages? If so, what are those error messages word for word?
  4. calistoy

    Problem with ftp address and name servers

    Nameservers are: The ftp server address is your main domain url. The username and password is your cPanel username and cPanel password.
  5. calistoy

    Hosting query

    That old inactivity timer option has changed into to option to buy Prime Membership, which does the same thing. By the way, that login requirement to keep your hosting account active was just logging into the forums here.
  6. calistoy

    logging into cPanel

    Are you logging into your account panel, clicking on hosting details and clicking the "Login to cPanel" button to get to cPanel?
  7. calistoy

    Contact Form

    Php mail is already enabled and functioning. Could you give more info about your contact form so that we can troubleshoot the issue?
  8. calistoy

    Hosting Account Suspended

    The account that has that domain belongs to a different forum account. For help with the account, verification of the owner for it is needed. To do that, login to that forum account that belongs to the account and post a support request for that account.
  9. calistoy

    Server Error

    I suggest that you set the nameservers for your domain at to and Also, please remove the redirect because it's looping without end.
  10. calistoy

    I have a 500 internal error trying to set up a fresh install of

    Are you able to find debug.php in the ow_includes directory? That error says it isn't there. Please confirm if it is or not.
  11. calistoy

    Reset Account

    There is no "reset", but here's what you can do: 1. You can delete all of the files and folders inside the public_html folder/directory. Do not delete the public_html directory itself because it's important to keep there. 2. Delete all databases and database users from MySQL and phpMyAdmin...
  12. calistoy

    Can't access cPnael or my site

    Could you post the results of your ping here? Also ping and post the results here.
  13. calistoy

    I have a 500 internal error trying to set up a fresh install of

    Make sure that your folder/directories have permissions set of 755 and that the files in them have permissions set of 644. If that's all correct, then check the contents of your .htaccess file. If it applies, then post the contents of the .htaccess file here so that we can see if anything is...
  14. calistoy

    Can't access cPnael or my site

    When you login to your account panel, click on hosting details and then click on the "Login to cPanel" button. Let me know if that works or not. As for your site, the default index.html that is included in new accounts is what's showing up. As soon as...
  15. calistoy

    domain name is not available, even after domain modification

    Please clear your browser's cache. I can see your site just fine.
  16. calistoy

    Account Suspension

    Please fill this form out completely and reply here with it:
  17. calistoy

    500 mb disk limit? Please lift this restriction !

    You are on the Lotus server because you are from a high risk country. Please read this thread to see what you can do:
  18. calistoy

    SSH and PYTHON

    SSH and Python are both not available in free hosting. Please refer to this plan comparison:
  19. calistoy


    I see the default index.html page when I visit your main domain. Please go to cPanel file manager or through ftp and delete that index.html. Afterward, upload your index.htm again inside your public_html directory. You should be able to see the correct page after that.
  20. calistoy

    Delete my accounts.

    The cPanel username awesome1 belongs to a different forum account. Please login to the associated forum account and post your deletion request. This is to verify that you are the owner of that account.