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  1. calistoy

    What happened to Free hosting?!?!?!?

    You're still in the server chopin. I remember other support tickets about the databases being listed as 4 for adfree-infinity, but it was verified to be incorrect. It's only supposed to be 2 databases. All of the free servers had a cPanel upgrade.
  2. calistoy

    Database settings

    I've found the wiki article for MySQL database info for phpbb: There is a link in that article that directs you on how to create a database and user.
  3. calistoy

    Database settings

    It sounds to me like you're manually installing Phpbb. You'll need to go to PhpMyAdmin in your cPanel, and create a database there. Then create a database user and add it to the database with all privileges. Use all of that info you created to fill out what you are asking here.
  4. calistoy


    Per free hosting TOS: If you are asking what I think you're asking, then you'll need to buy a reseller hosting account here:
  5. calistoy

    What happened to Free hosting?!?!?!?

    Please look here Adfree-Infinity package only ever had 2 databases available since that hosting package implemented. If your cPanel ever said there were 4, it was wrong, there was only 2 all this time. Is there a problem with cPanel's login page...
  6. calistoy


    Ssl is not available in free hosting accounts because to use it, you need your own dedicated IP. You'll need at least the paid Premium hosting package to get a dedicated IP.
  7. calistoy


    Please refer to this plan comparison to see what is and is not offered with free hosting. PostgreSQL is not available in free hosting.
  8. calistoy

    Account suspension issue

    Could you explain what your site is please?
  9. calistoy

    Delete Account

    Please post back completely filling out the following form. cPanel username: ( ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting...
  10. calistoy

    Delete all of my accounts

    Please login to the forum accounts belonging to both of those accounts to request account termination. Post those requests using this form filled out completely. cPanel username: ( ) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting...
  11. calistoy

    Failiure Logging In

    That login page only accepts email and password to log in. Use your email instead of username.
  12. calistoy


    Are you logging in with your email and password?
  13. calistoy

    can i haz shell access pretty please?

    Here's where it makes it clear what's enabled and disabled for free hosting accounts, and here's also what is enabled and disabled for Illuminated and Premium.
  14. calistoy

    Can't access my hosting account

    There is no hosting account attached to your forum account. You also haven't confirmed your email. Did you get your confirmation email and follow the instructions?
  15. calistoy

    Help redirecting page, setting up email.

    When you change the main domain to your in the account management panel, you don't also set it up in cPanel. Your domain can be in only 1 of 3 choices: main domain, addon domain, parked domain. Since you choose main domain, then that's the only place you put your domain.
  16. calistoy

    MySql Help

    Did you create the MySQL user and add it to the database with all of the permissions? When you create the user, that's the username and password you use.
  17. calistoy

    Help redirecting page, setting up email.

    You have to create an email user in your cPanel in order to use your free email with your hosting account. As for your site, it's working just fine as the current url for your main domain. If you still can't see it, clear your browser's cache and flush your computer's dns.
  18. calistoy

    To Whom it May Concern

    You can create a free hosting account here
  19. calistoy

    MySql Help

    Sorry for the misunderstanding. Your first post said that you made the database in/using Dreamweaver. Thanks for clarifying that you actually made it your cPanel instead. I don't use Dreamweaver, and I know nothing about it. If there is a way to create a login script using that program...
  20. calistoy

    Saving and index

    Admins had been upgrading the servers and are still working out the errors. Until then, continue with what works for you.