Search results

  1. calistoy

    change of email address

    You need to confirm the change. Look for a confirmation email in your email account.
  2. calistoy

    Link to forum account

    iamkrohn is definitely linked to the your hosting account. What problems are you having with it that it's not working as expected? As for the other forum account, no forum accounts are deleted here.
  3. calistoy

    want to resolve my suspended account

    Your account is permanently suspended.
  4. calistoy

    Please Check This..

    stpvoice: feirox83 is wondering which url would be best for his domain: with or without the www. I think my previous answers were confusing the matter. feirox83: The url doesn't matter with or without the www. Your url currently works with both. Someone can type in your url with the www...
  5. calistoy

    Can you open another website here?

    In cPanel, click on addon domains. You can use up to 2 addon domains. When you create an addon domain, it'll make a subdomain folder- you'll upload your other website there.
  6. calistoy


    Google translate doesn't fulfill the language requirement. Please translate your site in one of the three languages: English, Spanish, or French.
  7. calistoy

    suspended account

    You uploaded a phishing page, which is what the suspension reason says. There is zero tolerance for it, meaning that it doesn't matter whether or not you knew what it was, there are no second chances. Your account is permanently suspended.
  8. calistoy

    Account Deletion

    Please fill this form out:
  9. calistoy

    x10 Hosting Account

    Login to your account panel with your email and password, and then click on the links there to create your new hosting account. This way, it'll be automatically linked with your current forum account.
  10. calistoy

    Error message [404] 404 Not Found for port 80 on Satur

    Re: Error message [404] 404 Not Found for port 80 on S The reason for this is because nothing was installed. When I visit your main domain, I see an Index of / page, and it shows that it's completely empty of files. Look and see if there are any databases...
  11. calistoy

    Account suspension with no aparent reason

    Your account is not currently suspended, so it appears that you figured out how to unsuspend it. Is this the first time this happened? If so, then it might have been a fluke just going by the DB error message you revealed that you had. If it happens again, let us know, and also post the DB...
  12. calistoy

    What is going on here?

    I can visit your domain just fine. Please clear your browser's cache and then try again.
  13. calistoy

    Can I run an arabic website?

    By the wording of your original request, it looks to me like you're saying that your site is originally in French, and that you are asking if an arabic translation of the French is acceptable. If that's true, then yes, you can have an arabic translation of your site. Just make sure that all of...
  14. calistoy

    Clickonce Deployment

    These servers are linux servers, not windows servers. You'll need something that works with linux for it to work.
  15. calistoy

    Please Check This..

    Again, neither. You only have one account attached to your current forum account, and you're only supposed to have one account seeing that you have this one already. Your current server is stoli. From the TOS that you agreed to when you signed up: If you want to upload a different website...
  16. calistoy

    Urgent!!!! my website doesn\'t work!!!!

    Your visitors can do that if they want to, but it usually resolves itself when their ISP updates its cache.
  17. calistoy

    suspend page?

    I am able to see your site just fine. I see a picture of a rose with a title of "Ania". Please flush your computer's dns and clear your browser cache.
  18. calistoy

    account suspended

    Your account will not be unsuspended. It will remain permanently suspended and be in queue to delete after around 2 weeks or more. There is zero tolerance for uploading a phishing site onto the server.
  19. calistoy


    I see that your main domain isn't working. Please allow for the domain updates to clear through, clear your browser's cache, and then try again. If you are still having problems after all of this, then post by here.
  20. calistoy

    www version mot working but non www does help with dns setup at the c panel

    Both ways are working for me. Please flush your computer's dns and clear your browser's cache. If you are still having problems, then the dns is still in the process of updating. I, too, had this problem before when I placed a domain in my account for the first time. It should just resolve...