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  1. calistoy

    my account has been suspened ,need help

    There is zero tolerance for this violation of TOS. Your account is permanently suspended.
  2. calistoy


    You need to go to your domain registrar and set the primary and secondary nameservers to:
  3. calistoy

    please (one million )help me

    Your php files need to have the permissions set as 644, and the folders should be 755. Edit: Your other thread was also answered. Please don't post multiple threads here about the same issue when we are answering you.
  4. calistoy

    Weird behaviour of session variables

    If you have requirements and don't know if they are present here, then please go ahead and ask us here.
  5. calistoy


    Forum accounts are never deleted here. Just the hosting accounts will automatically terminate/delete.
  6. calistoy

    Weird behaviour of session variables

    register_globals is always set to off because it's a huge security risk. What makes you think it was on? You can't change any php settings in your account because those are set server wide and can't be reached at all by anyone who isn't hired staff at x10hosting. By the way, you might get...
  7. calistoy


    You've posted in the right place here in the free hosting support forum. What do you mean by 'reset your hosting account'? What is wrong with it?
  8. calistoy

    Lost my forum

    It looks like you changed your domain recently. I just now visited it, and I see an SMF installation. Please clear your browser's cache.
  9. calistoy

    Word press removal

    The account with the domain belongs to a different forum account. Please create a support thread using the correct forum account for support for that domain.
  10. calistoy

    Error on Suspension

    That url belongs to a different account. In order to get support for that account, please login and create a support thread under the forum account attached to that hosting account.
  11. calistoy

    account suspension

    Are you saying that you didn't place a proxy at all in your hosting account? Because if you did put a proxy in your hosting account, then this suspension stands. Proxies are specifically listed as forbidden in the TOS that you agreed to when you signed up for an account. From the TOS:
  12. calistoy

    Lost my forum

    Have you taken Masshuu's advice yet and re-uploaded and installed your forum software yet?
  13. calistoy

    Please see my edit in my previous reply. Your site is working now with your domain.
  14. calistoy

    No. Nothing's being transferred. It's just a delay in the system recognizing your domain name after the change. Once the system syncs up with it, you'll see your site again. Edit: Apparently, the system was very delayed and was showing me your old domain. I just now checked it again. Your...
  15. calistoy is not added to your account at all. There are no pending actions. Your main domain is Since it's a very recent domain change, it needs around 24 hours to sync up in the system. If after 24 hours and clearing your browser cache before checking your site...
  16. calistoy

    Please unsuspend my website

    Your account is permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of x10hosting's TOS that you agreed to when you signed up for an account. Any access to the account, including the taking of any backups, is not allowed.
  17. calistoy

    Please Active my Hosting Account.

    Your account was already activated, and then you uploaded an email bomber. Your account is now permanently deactivated. Any access whatsoever to your account is forbidden.
  18. calistoy

    Problem "Website Specified Does Not Exist"

    Your Joomla site is currently working. Try emptying your browser's cache, and then try to access your site again.
  19. calistoy

    Chopin Server is Extremely Slow

    You might want to check your addons and plugins. Some of them, such as caching plugins, cause high resource usage suspensions. I have unsuspended you.
  20. calistoy

    Chopin server extremely slow !!!

    You might want to check your addons and plugins. Some of them, such as caching plugins, cause high resource usage suspensions.