Invalid Email Verification
The link used to reset the email address linked to an acccount was expired or invalid. Links are only valid for 2 hours after the email is sent. Please wait 24 hours and attempt to verify the email again.
Since you are using a 3rd party service to handle emails, you would need to check it at the 3rd party. Use the Exchange Admin Center which can give you some of the reports along with contacting Microsoft.
Please check in the Control Panel:
Account Manager > Domain Setup > (click on your domain)
You should see some checkboxes, is there a Secure SSL checkbox, if so, check that block and click save.
Can you copy and paste your error code in this post, in text format? The screenshot you have taken makes it hard for me to read out portions of it for me to look up the error.
Can you copy and paste your error code in this post? The screenshot you have taken makes it hard to read out portions of it for me to look up the error.