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  1. T

    Email not being sent from within my php code.

    E-mails are not being sent from within my php code anymore. Is it possible that I may have sent too many e-mails while I was performing some final tests on my application? If this is the case, can you please clear this so that e-mail can continue to come through? Thanks in advance.
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    R1Soft Backup/Restore (Authentication Failed)

    When I click on the R1Soft Backup/Restore icon in cPanel, I get the error: ================ You are attempting to log into your cPanel backups from If you think you are seeing these messages in error, please contact your Backup Manager administrator. Authentication Failed...
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    R1Soft Backup/Restore (Authentication Failed)

    When I click on the R1Soft Backup/Restore icon in CPanel, I get the error: ================ You are attempting to log into your cPanel backups from If you think you are seeing these messages in error, please contact your Backup Manager administrator. Authentication Failed...
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    404: Page not found

    Update after a little more testing. My site is on server X02. I am able to access all .php, .htm, .html filed except the ones that are named index.html, index.htm, index.php, default.htm, default.html. Using my ftp client, I downloaded all of the default and index files listed above, and they...
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    404: Page not found

    My root html folder does contain both an default.htm and a index.php. But when accessing from a web browser, everyone gets this message: 404: Page not found I have sub folders in the directory also, and those index.php work just fine. My x2 cpanel showed me not having any...
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    can't reach my site

    It's working now. Server must have come back up between my entry and your reply. Thanks
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    can't reach my site

    X02 server is not responding. That's the server my site is on. My nagios server keeps nagging me my site is down. I try to connect to my site remotely and I get a server not responding error. At this point I can't even login to x10hosting account from the x10 home page. The sign in link is not...
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    Website not loading at all. Help!

    My site is still not up. I believe I'm on server x02
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    Sorry. I forgot to post a note on this thread last night at around 8:50pm, about an hour before bdistler's post above. I posted a note on my other thread: IP's listed in IP Deny Manager not being blocked. I had mentioned that the IP's listed in the IP Manager are being blocked again. All is well...
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    IP's listed in IP Deny Manager not being blocked.

    Looks like this issue has been resolved. IP address listed in my IP Deny Manager are now being blocked again.
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    I do my most creative programming after a few cocktails on an empty stomach. The next day after...

    I do my most creative programming after a few cocktails on an empty stomach. The next day after sobering up, my code looks like a disaster!
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    Actually the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is working properly again since earlier today. But it looks like the IP addresses listed in the IP Deny Manager are still not being blocked. This issue actually gave me a reason to finally do things right by adding a getip() function to my functions.php...
  13. T

    IP's listed in IP Deny Manager not being blocked.

    The IP addresses and IP ranges I have set in my IP Deny Manager are not being blocked. The only IP address that can be blocked is, which is an IP address registered to x10hosting. So temporarily, I have been forced to add IP address to my IP Deny list. This is...
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    AngusThermopyle... Thanks for your response. But the IP deny manager is already set up to deny IP's and not allow. It also looks like the listed blocked IP addresses are entered into the .htaccess file by the IP Deny manager, which is accessible in the cpanel.
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    Yes. The manual IP blocking method would have to be used. But like you said, it will not be nice. But the built in IP Deny manager as of the moment serves no purpose, at least on the server that my site is on. Until the issue is fixed, I will have to add IP address to my IP deny...
  16. T


    OK. The function $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] does work. That is a good work around. But there is one other BIG problem!!! I have a list of IP addresses I have set to block in my IP Address Deny Manager. I just added my IP address to that list and my x10host site is not blocking it. This is...
  17. T


    That does make sense. The Varnish cache server has been a real pain in my butt, especially with php and java scripts combined to perform a GPS function. I even added an additional line in my root .htaccess file that includes: "max-age=0, private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" to virtually...
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    OH..I need to add one more thing. While working on another php script earlier today, I did receive a 503 Backend fetch failure when trying to test my script. Shortly after that, the error went away and that is when I noticed the IP address coming up on my test page and for every...
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    When using the PHP built in function: $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; The X10hosting server is now returning IP address: For everyone that connects to various pages. Some of my php files use the IP address as a way of determining what region of the world a user is connecting from...
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    (IMPORTANT)error : Error 503 Backend fetch failed Backend fetch failed

    I am noticing the problem coming and going.