Search results

  1. Skizzerz

    Office 365 records

    I have added these SRV records to your domain. Please allow up to 24 hours for DNS changes to fully propagate throughout the internet.
  2. Skizzerz

    DB error

    We had a temporary glitch where all PHP extensions/configurations were removed for a period of time (which would include the mysql extension), however that should be fixed now.
  3. Skizzerz

    Only some domains working on ''

    All 3 of those domains are working for me. If you are still experiencing issues connecting to them, try clearing your cache and flushing your DNS.
  4. Skizzerz

    PHP module 'pdo_mysql'

    pdo_mysql should be available; we had a temporary glitch where all PHP extensions/configurations were removed for a period of time, however that should be fixed now.
  5. Skizzerz

    IPV6 Support < Reverse Address?

    IPv6 is not supported by our datacenter at this time, and as a result we cannot offer support for it.
  6. Skizzerz

    XenForo not sending emails.

    1) Try checking the "Set return path with the -f parameter" box 2) Try adding that email address in your cPanel as an actual address When I look up your account info, it shows that you are on x10Premium; for a much faster response time x10Premium customers should open support tickets from the...
  7. Skizzerz

    Popup ads on my website?

    I took a look at your account and I do not see any signs of a server-side compromise that would be serving these ads. Try accessing your sites from different computers (for example, at the public library or via a Virtual Machine), if you do not see the ads there then that is highly indicative...
  8. Skizzerz

    Not sure if that's OK with TOS

    I don't see any issues with what you described.
  9. Skizzerz

    I have a Question! Buying domain!

    Simply using the domain on a different host is a simple matter of configuring the nameservers of the domain to point to the new host instead. The code you mention is for transferring ownership of the domain, not where it points to (so if you're selling the domain to someone else, or moving it to...
  10. Skizzerz

    Request for unmetered storage - Preliminaries

    Hello, Why not upload low-res previews of the images here and then use a file hosting site such as dropbox or box for the full-res downloads? Your site here could provide direct download links to the files hosted on that service. That way you don't need to worry about 10MB per-file limits and...
  11. Skizzerz

    403 Forbidden error workaround

    Yes, we run ModSecurity 2, which ignores any and all attempts to modify/disable rules in .htaccess
  12. Skizzerz

    Unable to add the domain name

    @1erik1: Your settings are correct, sadly it looks like we're running into a cPanel bug where it fails to determine that the domain is pointed at the correct nameservers. If you like having technical details, internally cPanel works down from the root DNS to query which nameservers your...
  13. Skizzerz

    My website gets redirect --> seektoexplore_com

    Yes, that is indicative of something caching the redirect on your end, if not you then possibly your ISP. Both with and without www work for me as well as others, so it is unfortunately nothing on x10's end. If the instructions I linked above do not work, then the only thing to do would be to...
  14. Skizzerz

    Issue parking domain name

    If you are still having difficulties, first try on the "x3" theme as @bdistler mentioned, and failing that please let us know a) what domain you are trying to park, and b) what domain you are trying to park on top of and a staff member can manually park the domain for you
  15. Skizzerz

    APM cannot be enabled! Please enable this for me.

    APM is not supported on Free Hosting.
  16. Skizzerz

    My website gets redirect --> seektoexplore_com

    Try clearing your browser cache and flushing your DNS cache, as instructed here:
  17. Skizzerz

    403 Forbidden error workaround

    That is usually correct, however it is possible that creating a new post differs somehow from editing an existing one such that it doesn't trip the filters (which depends on what the filter is actually looking for). In your case, the issue looks like it stems from your inclusion of the Google...
  18. Skizzerz

    Having problems connecting to SQL

    Can you please try again? It looks like mod_security was blocking your request due to tripping a false positive in a rule for an unrelated application. I disabled that rule for your account, but it is possible that other rules apply as well that need to be disabled.
  19. Skizzerz

    403 Forbidden error workaround

    From the accounts I've seen who have encountered 403 errors in Wordpress, the majority of the time the 403 is occurring is because you are trying to post a <form>, <script>, or <object> tag, which is what is being blocked by our filters. We can disable these filters on a per-account basis, but...
  20. Skizzerz

    Error 403 when adding to wordpress

    Email would work, otherwise you can click on my name and then click the "Start a Conversation" link on the lightbox that appears to do a pm in the forum itself. PayPal buttons are not banned, I was just trying to figure out what part of the post was tripping the filter and if there was a way...