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  1. theengli

    Problem with inodes

    Livewire, actually my inode count was around 40,000, but when I deleted a course, it nearly reached 50,000. While I was waiting for a reply here, I read about moodle everywhere I could and discovered that I might try to clean a couple of folders (trashdir & backup) by hand. It really helped...
  2. theengli

    Problem with inodes

    It's crazy. I keep deleting things from the website and the number of the inodes taken up keeps growing. What's going on? Please, does anyone know what I could do?
  3. theengli

    Problem with inodes

    Oh, BTW. Yesterday when I was trying to delete 1 course, I got a 500 error and a message to contact my hosting administrator. I tried to delete it 2 or 3 times, but to no avail. Now I think perhaps it has something do with my indode problem?
  4. theengli

    Problem with inodes

    Hello, let me tell you bit of a background first. A couple of years ago I noticed that I was running out of inodes. First time it turned out that some mail folder somehow invisible to me was full. When I posted a thread, the administrator cleaned it up, so the number of the inodes left...
  5. theengli

    Error: Database connection failed

    Unfortunately, it turned out that all the data I'd been changing during the day when the the website was slow had been lost. I had to spend last night and this morning to restore everything by hand. Hope that I managed to find everything that got lost in the process. :(
  6. theengli

    Error: Database connection failed

    My website's on again. Thank you!
  7. theengli

    Error: Database connection failed

    Thank you for your reply. I didn't mean to sound assertive or require any immediate action. I just wanted to draw the attention to the issue. Now I see that the problem's been spotted and is being solved. I checked out free hosting status blog first and it didn't mention anything, so I thought...
  8. theengli

    Error: Database connection failed

    Hello everyone, my site got slower yesterday. Then there was this error 503, but it got back to normal eventually. Today I can't log on to the website altogther, as I get this message: "Error: Database connection failed". Could anyone look into that, please?
  9. theengli

    Neither website nor cpanel opens

    Dear bdistler, yes, it's xo2. However, everything seems to be working now although quite slowly.
  10. theengli

    Neither website nor cpanel opens

    Hello, the problem is stated in the title: I can reach neither my website nor cpanel. Is there something wrong with the hosting?
  11. theengli

    Website background doesn't appear

    Thank you Dead-i, I don't know how exactly, but I managed to fix it :) You were right: when I pressed F12, everything with the word 'background' was crossed off. I purged the cache - it was no good. Then I tried turning off different apps in the browser settings and, voila, I saw the background...
  12. theengli

    Website background doesn't appear

    Hello, I've noticed this problem recently. I have a moodle website with a preset standard theme which has a grey background. It stopped showing about a week ago. When a page is loading, I see grey "waves/stripes" and then the background turns to white. I've checked and rechecked the theme, but I...
  13. theengli

    too many 503 error

    Hello, same here. 503 error + extermely slow loading = impossible to do virtually anything Could anyone look into that, please?
  14. theengli

    too many 503 error

    Hello, same here. 503 error + extermely slow loading = impossible to do virtually anything Could anyone look into that, please?
  15. theengli

    Can somebody clean up my inodes, please?

    Hello Dead-i, oh, I've completely forgotten that I posted this question. After that I managed to find my email folder and clean up the old cron messages myself. That gave me a couple of 1000s of inodes. Anyway, thank you for looking into this. Can I ask 1 more question? This "moodledata/cache" -...
  16. theengli

    Can somebody clean up my inodes, please?

    Hello, it's not the first time my inodes have been almost used up. I remember that the previous times there was some folder with some emails from cronjob or something like that which I couldn't see myself, so I wasn't able to clean it up. After it had been cleaned, I got much more inodes left...
  17. theengli

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Same here. Basically, the website's not working. Can anybody do anything about this issue, please?
  18. theengli

    Website slow + constant errors

    Hello, has anything been going on today? The website's extremely slow. Every so often I get either error 404 or error 503. I hardly managed to log into cpanel. Is it being solved somehow?
  19. theengli

    503 error

    Yes, everything seems to be okay (knocking on the wood). Thank you.
  20. theengli

    503 error

    Hello, some time ago my website stopped working and I got 503 error. Then it turned on, but everything was sooooooooo sloooooow. And now it's switching back and forth between error 503 and impossibly slow download. Could you look into it, please?