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  1. Bryon

    Suspension after suspension

    Your site is loading fine but gives a database error from SMF. MySQL is functioning correctly and is online on your server - Check your MySQL settings.
  2. Bryon

    Forum Account

    What is your hosting account username? What forum account are you trying to link to your hosting account? How does creating or swapping fail? Please be more descriptive.
  3. Bryon main domain

    .. What domain are you trying to change to?
  4. Bryon

    Why does this keep happening?!!!!

    Spyboy04: Your domain is not pointed at our servers. Your domain change will fail because of this. Supreame: Try again (For the hundredth time.. ) - I cleared the domain from the systems.
  5. Bryon


    Spam is rugged these days :(
  6. Bryon

    status page gone ??

    Yes, many users do not understand what normal load, memory, and other statistics mean on our free hosting servers. They see something that they think is out of the ordinary and we get a bunch of "OMG XX% MEMORY USED" type threads.
  7. Bryon

    Out of Space?!!

    The Account Panel's data lags behind cPanel by a bit, and cPanel lags a few hours behind actual changes.
  8. Bryon

    status page gone ??

    We removed the status page from cPanel.
  9. Bryon

    Password reset

    Sending you a PM.
  10. Bryon

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code C0D0B733)

    Every password that you have supplied for a hosting account signup has been 19 characters long. Change your client account password, cancel the hosting signup attempt, and try again.
  11. Bryon

    "I fully understand the impact of a forum swap on my client account"

    You enter "I fully understand the impact of a forum swap on my client account" in the input, as it describes. We'll need to make that more clear - Sorry.
  12. Bryon

    This is bull

    Hi James, The reason we want to you to login to perform the change yourself is to ensure that the hosting account you've specified is in fact your own, before we give all control over to the account you're posting from. If you provide confirmation that the hosting account "james" is your own, I...
  13. Bryon

    Account suspensions

    Hi Immortalflower, I am not seeing an unsuspension request from your account. Have you gone to Hosting -> Suspensions and submitted the "Unsuspend" button?
  14. Bryon

    Can't create Forum Account

    I've placed the cPanel account "oscarpan" under your forum account "oscarpan." You should see the change momentarily.
  15. Bryon

    Python Suggestion - Installation of MySQLdb module

    MySQLdb has been installed for the python 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 binaries on all free hosting servers. Let me know if they are not working properly. =)
  16. Bryon

    Changing cPanel and Forum Names

    If you would like your linked forum account on your hosting account cleared, let us know.
  17. Bryon

    This is bull

    Please log into the account panel with your hosting account "james" and go to Account -> Forum Account. From there select "Swap usernames" and follow the instructions. The forum account information that you should be adding under "james" will be "jtaah." If you need further help with this let...
  18. Bryon


    Hi, You account has been suspended for inactivity. Please review our activity policy. You may unsuspend yourself by going to our Account Panel located at Go to "Hosting" -> "Suspension" and follow the instructions.
  19. Bryon

    Unable to log into my free acount, username "bridges"

    Hi, I have moved your account bridges to be under the same forum account as you are using here on the forums. Logging in with "bridges" on the account panel should allow you to administrate your hosting account bridges. Please let us know if you have any more troubles.
  20. Bryon

    my account has been suspended

    Log into the account panel with the username "nhlionheart" and its password. Your cPanel account is attached to that account. Once you have done so, you can unsuspended the account from the Hosting page within the account panel.