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  1. Pyker

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    My weapons had self-destruct mechanisms, thus exploding when ichwar claimed the hill. I reborn, climb the hill, kill ichwar with my machine gun, and claim the hill. :D I again deploy and activate my weapons and hide myself inside a tank. This time I also deploy a chopper with unlimited ammo...
  2. Pyker

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I "run over" ichwar with my bulletproof and missile-proof helicopter and claim the hill. I also deploy ground-to-air and ground-to-ground weapons, as well as an anti-tank weapon. I hide myself inside an anti-terrorism bunker with food and water. ichwar, as a result of hitting him with my...
  3. Pyker


    Welcome to X10Hosting. We hope you stay for a long time. (you probably will... :biggrin:)
  4. Pyker

    Can anyone help me?

    If you are using free hosting, you should post it here (I guess :biggrin:): BTW, welcome to X10Hosting. We hope you enjoy your stay. EDIT: Don't post more than one topic with the same thing. Thank you.
  5. Pyker

    LDAP Poll

    From what I understood, LDAP is basically a protocol that lists all the email that exist on the DNS Servers. Is that correct? Wouldn't that enable emails that aren't suppost to be seen, to actually be seen?
  6. Pyker

    Reset my password

    Due to that CPanel password issue I would like to get my password reseted;) Here are the details: Website: or or Username: pyker Email: I think that you know what it is.... :biggrin: Thanks
  7. Pyker

    To everybody

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  8. Pyker

    Messy account

    ** Mods Please Delete This Topic **
  9. Pyker

    Delete Accounts

    Can you please delete both of my accounts. I made another and only then I realized that I was breaking the X10Hosting rules. Sorry :pat:. Account 1: CPanel username: pykrmail Subdomain: Account 2: CPanel username: pyker Subdomain:
  10. Pyker

    Windows or Linux?

    What's your favourite? Windows or Linux? I personally support Windows 'cuz there are many apps that only work with Windows. About Linux, well... I like Linux but not for daily use. Only sometimes to relax.... ;) Also Linux has more security. :lockd:
  11. Pyker

    Cannot access old account and upgrade

    Okay I have 2 problems. 1. Here's the thing. I created a new account with the following details: And now when I login on the site (with the username "Pyker") it shows me my "pykrmail" account :mad:. And it was supposed to show my "pyker" account. I wanted you (if you can)...