Search results

  1. kkenny

    Lunch time - food went alive !

    Ok. I can't eat lunch now thinking that my food will bite me back.
  2. kkenny

    Olympics 2008

    Go USA! Michael Phelps is who I'll be watching :]
  3. kkenny

    if E=mc2, then mc2=E, right?

    aHHH. Advanced math discussion on x10Hosting. So sad that I can't understand any of this :\
  4. kkenny

    Favourite online payment Option??

    I am not really fond of PayPal, or any other solution. I just use it when I need to.
  5. kkenny

    Please Review my Site -

    Site Link invalid. Closing thread.
  6. kkenny

    Inactive members

    I agree. I'm giving back by being a staff member :]
  7. kkenny

    MMORPG's: Whats Good? apart from WOW?

    I agree :]
  8. kkenny

    Happy Frienship day....

    Happy Friendship day!
  9. kkenny

    Types of files

    .html .htm .shtml .shtm .xhtml .xhtm .dhtml .dhtm .js .ibf .php .pl .rb .asp .aspx .py .css .txt Theirs quite a few :]
  10. kkenny

    What's your favorite TV show?

    America;s best dance crew!
  11. kkenny

    HTML or XHTML?

    But proprietary code is sometimes better to use then xHTML + CSS
  12. kkenny

    What is your favorite line in any movie?

    I'll be back - Terminator :]
  13. kkenny

    I am losing it..

    I agree with titat's advice. Especially if you walk everywhere instead of use a car, you conserve money and burn calories. I myself have a full time job during the summer, and work out 4 hours a day in the morning when it's cold. I guess getting all the exercise you can is good for your own health.
  14. kkenny

    if E=mc2, then mc2=E, right?

    So is E=MC^2 The same thing as SQROOT(E/M)=C :S
  15. kkenny

    Ditch the Computer Time Limit

    Hahah! Same here. Seems like I'm not the only one stuck in this problem :)
  16. kkenny

    Some of my images won't display.

    What is your site supposed to look ilke?
  17. kkenny

    im fine =) thanks for asking.

    im fine =) thanks for asking.
  18. kkenny

    chat, anyone?

    I love the IRC. <3
  19. kkenny

    I am losing it..

    Wait. How are you losing it then?