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  1. Smith6612

    500 Internal Server Error

    Looks like FTP on Starka is at the maximum user limit. Should settle down sometime soon.
  2. Smith6612

    request for Intermediate (v2) and Advanced (v3)

    Everything in this forum is open to be seen by the public, registered or not. If you need to talk away from this thread, you can PM me. Many of the problems you're describing though are indicative of server load/usage, though I can't...
  3. Smith6612

    500 Internal Server Error

    Any particular page this is happening the most on? The site seems to be working at the moment, so what you might be seeing is a problem with server load getting high.
  4. Smith6612

    Error sends me to defaultwebpage.cgi

    I'm seein the same thing on my end. It sometimes takes a few hours for a domain change to complete. This particular issue is generally due to the VHosts list on the server needing to be rebuilt. This is done every now and again on the server automatically.
  5. Smith6612

    Starka's backend is super, super slow

    When this happens, it means the server is probably under heavy load. Does it do this all the time for you or is it only occurring during certain times of the day? Just as a heads up, FTP should still be working during the times of heavy load.
  6. Smith6612

    Forum Credits

    They are used for buying little prizes such as cash payouts and free domains, at least they were back when the store wasn't broken.
  7. Smith6612

    delete account

    The account is currently suspended for Inactivity. I'll unsuspend it for you if you still wish to use it. Otherwise, please fill out this form before I can remove the account.
  8. Smith6612

    always get default webpage

    This is generally an issue with the VHosts list on the server. Nothing to be concerned about as it normally corrects itself after a small amount of time.
  9. Smith6612

    Re-active account

    I'll unsuspend the account for you. For future reference, you can unsuspend yourself from Inactivity suspensions by visiting your account panel at
  10. Smith6612

    Account delete

    Please fill out this form with your cPanel Username and the X:
  11. Smith6612

    delete my forum pls

    It's fine. I noticed you joined in a few minutes ago.
  12. Smith6612

    delete my forum pls

    Carl, user was in IRC asking for this to be deleted after I asked if he has nothing to back up. I asked him to make a thread here. As much as I'd hate to break off of the usual routine requiring the X, the user's been asking to get it removed for a good 15-20 minutes. I'll mark it for...
  13. Smith6612

    No Response from Server (Starka)

    It's possible the server was under heavy load or FTP went down during the time you were trying to upload. FTP is up and running right now.
  14. Smith6612

    unsuspended my account please

    Your forum account doesn't seem to have a hosting account tied to it. How long ago did you last visit the forum, and is this your original forum account? It's possible your Hosting account was removed due to inactivity. If you can post up your cPanel Username, I'll see if I can find the account.
  15. Smith6612

    Forum Account

    We've been fixing things up as we find them :)
  16. Smith6612

    request for Intermediate (v2) and Advanced (v3)

    I can't seem to find the Admin Control panel you're taking about. Two of the folders in your account are empty, one contains the site which doesn't seem to have an obvious location for an Admin Control panel. The link you gave to be above doesn't exist. The other two domains I see...
  17. Smith6612

    Sending mail with joomla

    What error message are you receiving from your software? Is it unable to connect?
  18. Smith6612

    Domain Name Issues

    No problem :)
  19. Smith6612

    Domain Name Issues

    It's working just fine on my end. Didn't even hesitate to load up. Clear your Browser and DNS cache and then try it again.
  20. Smith6612

    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable

    The site loaded up fine here. It's possible that during time you were trying to load the page the server was under some heavy load.