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  1. masshuu

    #07000(proxy) all backends are down

    Your sites appear to be up now. If you get a message with "proxy" or "backend" in it, wait a few minutes and try to load the page again.
  2. masshuu

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: #07000(proxy) all backends are do

    Re: Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: #07000(proxy) all backends are Your sites appear to be up now. If you get a message with "proxy" or "backend" in it, wait a few minutes and try to load the page again.
  3. masshuu

    Chopin Server - Connect DB Error: #07000(proxy) all backends are down

    Your site appears to be up now. If you get that message again, wait a few minutes and try to load the page again.
  4. masshuu

    Important Poll

    I say drop it. Ive been poking the issue with a stick as much as i can but i can't get it to do anything :p Also i have hardly seen anyone ask about it, maybe like 4-5 people in the past month, compared to how many people who sign up?
  5. masshuu

    cannot login to cpanel

    Login to here: and click Change Password at the top under Account Note that that will change your forum password and cpanel password
  6. masshuu


    It doesn't matter if you admit to being wrong. This falls under a zero tolerance rule, and your account will not be unsuspended.
  7. masshuu

    UnSuspension Request

    I have unsusended you. Also note you can unsuspend yourself in the control panel if you get suspended for inactivity or resource usage.
  8. masshuu

    Account being suspended twice

    There isn't any particular way, unless they offer some automated service, in which case they may ask for ftp info, and even then you will still need to dump your mysql database.
  9. masshuu

    Problem to create tables in database

    How big was the file you tried to upload, also make sure you select the file from a real directory, not a "Library" that windows Vista/7 use(if its in "Documents", move it to C:/ and then select it to upload)
  10. masshuu

    Account suspension

    A zero tolerance also means you get nothing back. Its like asking the cops for your drugs back because you'll use them elsewhere.
  11. masshuu

    upload php

    To upload php files, you want to use a ftp client, or the file manager in cpanel. If you use a ftp client, you want to use your domain name as the ftp host, and your cpanel login as the login. All web files should go in the public_html folder
  12. masshuu

    I have my own website and I would like to offer free website***************** Also indians, This isn't the place to ask for support for setting up a rival company. This forum is just for support requests for Issues with x10's free hosting. If you want forums for that, check out this place:
  13. masshuu

    Web page restore

    Backups of individual accounts are not kept. If you don't have a backup yourself, then i'm afraid theres nothing we can do.
  14. masshuu


    There is more info here: I unsuspended your account. If you have any modules or plugins, you might want to try disabling them if you don't need them, as ive seen some that are resource heavy. [edit] Please note, i...
  15. masshuu

    Suspended my site

    Your account does not appear to be suspended. It looks like you were suspended for High resource usage. This is due to a script taking allot of Ram or CPU, which some WordPress modules are known for doing.
  16. masshuu

    Http error !!

    This appears to be an error from some software. Your best bet is to go over the database settings in its configuration, and re-add the mysql user to the database.
  17. masshuu is currently broken(I would guess due to a bug with mono.) I don't have an ETA as to when this will be fixed.
  18. masshuu

    Can't unsuspend account

    Please see this: I'm afraid that your past the date, and that your account has probably been lost. Please note that you had almost a month to request a restore. If you are not aware of what is going on, note that it is...
  19. masshuu

    Phpvms admin panel cant access

    Your best bet is to get in contact with the support offered by the people who make the software, as they can help you better. This support is generally for account related things, not for help with 3rd party software.
  20. masshuu

    hosting account ususpension - error

    Please see this: I'm afraid that your past the date, and that your account has probably been lost. Please note that you had almost a month to request a restore. If you are not aware of what is going on, note that it is...