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  1. masshuu

    Unsuspension Error

    Please see this: I'm afraid that your past the date, and that your account has probably been lost. Please note that you had almost a month to request a restore. If you are not aware of what is going on, note that it is...
  2. masshuu

    suspended account

    Please see this: I'm afraid that your past the date, and that your account has probably been lost. Please note that you had almost a month to request a restore. If you are not aware of what is going on, note that it is...
  3. masshuu

    Free Hosting Space and Banwidth limits

    That is for the infinite package, you appear to have the old adfree package. Also, what does it say in cPanel(the control panel at isn't always accurate), as for me, it sais 10GB bandwidth and unlimited disk.
  4. masshuu

    Unsuspension of hosting account

    Please see this: I'm afraid that your past the date, and that your account has probably been lost. Please note that you had almost a month to request a restore. If you are not aware of what is going on, note that it is...
  5. masshuu

    Best Linux Distribution

    I use Ubuntu for both Desktop and Server systems. Using it recommended(all 100%) Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuSE, and Mandriva for a server that runs the latest and greatest. Going back and selecting Must have stable and well tested code, it gave me...
  6. masshuu

    Terminate my 2 accounts

    You need to post with the forum account for the account. We can't exactly link email addresses to account names. You should also only have 1 account.
  7. masshuu Error has a few issues. The admins know, but isn't a priority now. Also make sure your case is exact. Unlike windows, linux filenames are case sensitive.
  8. masshuu

    VPS Setup?

    a VPS is your own little server. You can do anything on it, apart from anything in the TOS. If you have never worked with linux, i would suggest reading some tutorials on linux.
  9. masshuu


    Here is a great tutorial: PHP is a fairly powerful language that can be fairly simple. Simple example: <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> If you have any more questions, you can ask in the section.
  10. masshuu

    How to enable Gzip to my site

    @andy20080china18 please don't hijack other-peoples threads @oldholborn8079 I'm not sure if mod_deflate is enabled, a test of mine failed. You could try adding this to your php files, or post a suggestion asking for mod_deflate ob_start("ob_gzhandler");
  11. masshuu

    I found a very nice site framework/CMS

    I can't say that i look around at frameworks often, but i found a very nice one that has a CMS built on top of it, which allows for very easy and quick development of a site. I actually chose it because it was the first in a list that was free and not licensed under the gpl...
  12. masshuu

    cPanel bug

    Login in to here with your forum login: At the top, click Account, then click update password. Enter a new password
  13. masshuu

    Cannot establish a data base connecting and no access to the cpanel to check

    Login in to here with your forum login: At the top, click Account, then click update password. Enter a new password [edit] Once you reset your password, login to cpanel with it. There you can reset your database users. IF the database is missing, or the password...
  14. masshuu

    Cannot run scripts that use modrewrite

    I have unsuspended you. Can you post the .htaccess that has the mod-rewrite, and the name of the script that requires it. [edit] In the folder with the script, there should be a file called "error_log". Open that and look at it.
  15. masshuu

    Help me

    You may have an issue with .htaccess or execution permissions. If there is an .htaccess, remove it temporarily. If you make use of perl or python scripts, make sure their permissions are set to 555 or 755 or 750 or 550 or somthing like that.
  16. masshuu

    Nginx webserver?

    There were a couple other 413 Request entity too large errors. The maximum file size may have been reduced to help prevent abuse on individual sites.
  17. masshuu

    Nginx webserver?

    x10 uses a load-balancer for free servers now, so no man in the middle attack.
  18. masshuu

    access to page settings

    if you login here with your forum login: you should beable to respond. Please note that there are allot of escalated tickets, and only a few staff members, so it may take some time before they respond to your ticket.
  19. masshuu

    opening cpanel

    Glad to hear this worked for you!
  20. masshuu

    unsuspended error

    Your site needs to be manually unsuspended. I'm escalating this.