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  1. Skizzerz


    Logging in to the forums is only part of it, you need to also unsuspend yourself via the account panel. See for more information on activity requirements and how to unsuspend yourself.
  2. Skizzerz

    Unicode problems?

    in your php script, add in the following at the very top (before anything else in the file): <?php header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); ?>
  3. Skizzerz

    SFTP (Secure FTP)

    For filezilla: Host: your site Port: 21 Protocol: FTP Encryption: Require explicit FTP over TLS
  4. Skizzerz

    account suspented action

    Hello, You were suspended for breaking our Terms of Service, which you agreed to upon signup. Hosting illegal content is, well, illegal and nets you a permanent suspension with no second chances. Your account will remain suspended, and you cannot regain any form of access to your account...
  5. Skizzerz

    Server 404 errors

    Have you been placing your files in public_html? You need to put your files there to make them show up.
  6. Skizzerz

    My site appreared blank

    Hello, this appears to be an issue with Wordpress, so could you please contact their support? EDIT: and your site looks fine from here, or at least the front page does
  7. Skizzerz

    memmory exhausted error

    Illuminated might solve the issue, otherwise you could look into optimizing your image processing script to use less memory. Unlike prime, Illuminated does double the allowed PHP memory to the 128MB you saw. A way to optimize might be to process the image in smaller chunks, then join the chunks...
  8. Skizzerz

    Account suspended

    Unfortunately, your account was suspended for linking to copyright-infringing material, which is strictly forbidden in our Terms of Service which you agreed to upon signup. The "zt" in your suspension reason stands for "Zero Tolerance" which means that we do not give out second-chances for these...
  9. Skizzerz

    How to change FTP special account password

    your FTP account password is the same as your cPanel password, which SHOULD be the same as your forum password. If you are talking about other FTP accounts that you created via cPanel, you can log into cPanel to change the passwords for those accounts.
  10. Skizzerz

    Hosting Account Actions

    1) what are you trying to change your domain to? If it is currently an addon/parked domain, you must remove it BEFORE trying to change your main domain 2) you are currently suspended for High Resource Usage, you can unsuspend yourself from your account panel. Please see...
  11. Skizzerz

    image thumbnail creation

    It is likely an issue with your script that I didn't catch on my first run-through. Please go through your script step-by-step (echo/print_r is good to view debugging info) to see where it is failing, then fix it. I can assure you that there isn't any errors with the servers, since otherwise a...
  12. Skizzerz


    (not to mention if it's for a class, chances are that they're going to be copying something like the school's website as a demo, not facebook or gmail, and they'd also probably be using the school's servers instead of x10)
  13. Skizzerz

    Linux VPS tutorial for windows user!

    nano is a good lightweight editor that comes default with most (all?) VPS templates here that's reasonably easy to understand. To edit a file, type "nano filename", then move around the cursor and type. Save is Ctrl-O and exit/quit is Ctrl-X, as is shown in the help text at the bottom Also...
  14. Skizzerz

    image thumbnail creation

    script looks fine at a first glance, however, you might need to actually create the directories via mkdir() before trying to move images into them
  15. Skizzerz

    image thumbnail creation

    1) what script are you using to generate thumbnails? It looks like it's getting paths messed up somehow (the users/158/... looks wrong) 2) folder permissions should be 755, NOT 777.
  16. Skizzerz

    cant login in cpanle..

    your cpanel name is NOT the same as your forum name, the best way to log into cPanel is via that link in the account panel I linked to above. If that button doesn't work, the account panel also displays what your cPanel name is. For security reasons, I cannot tell you what your cPanel name...
  17. Skizzerz

    Email forward not forwarding

    I'll poke the higher-ups to see if there's an issue with forwarders
  18. Skizzerz

    web traffic

    If you google (or bing, or whatever your favorite search engine is), the acronym "SEO", you'll come across a lot of good advice on getting your website higher up in search results.
  19. Skizzerz

    Email forward not forwarding

    I saw some other thread on this and they said that it resolved itself after waiting a bit (like 24 hours). If it still doesn't work in a day, can you please post back so we can further look into the issue?
  20. Skizzerz

    cant login in cpanle..

    See You should be able to log into cPanel by following the link in your account panel (, the password is the same as your forum password.