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  1. farscapeone

    what do you think

    I strongly recommend you to find some good free template. No hard feelings :)
  2. farscapeone

    Battle of the Browsers

    Opera is the best web browser for me and there's nothing you can do about it :thefinger... and I'll explain you why. For example, two people are looking at the same apple. One side of the apple is red one side is yellow. One guy says "the apple is red" and the other guy says "the apple is...
  3. farscapeone


    I have it installed on my PC and it's really pain in the a**. R* issued some patches but it's no where near payable. I don't have any modern console (because I don't really need one) so I'll just wait for a new patch and hope it'll work :(
  4. farscapeone

    Battle of the Browsers

    The best web browser is one that suites you best. There's no need to argue about that. All of us have our own favorite one, and we all know that IE sucks :) so why arguing. You won't change my opinion about Opera (I prefer Opera) just like I won't change yours about FF (or whatever). For me...
  5. farscapeone

    Transparent png's?

    There's a quick and easy fix for transparent PNGs in IE<6. You can find it in this post
  6. farscapeone

    Webdesign help

    I looked at it with non-widescreen monitor in 1024x768 and it looks fine. Only the contact page is all messed up. I beleive you are fixing it right now. I like your layout. Thing that caught my attention is the colors. Great job! But I have to criticize something (that's just stronger then me...
  7. farscapeone

    Comments on Webdesign

    Generally I don't like that gray background. I think that some other color would be better. Don't get me wrong the color itself is nice, but it doesn't add with that yellow box. As for the crystal effect (different between those two images you posted) I think that the first I looking much better.
  8. farscapeone

    Social Networking site in progress

    It's a nice background (sorry but that's only thing I like in your layout). Try using something like this for your gradients. I set the black background so you can see how would it looks like on your site.
  9. farscapeone

    Check it out! My wow site

    It's a EQdkp-Plus default template. What's can I review?
  10. farscapeone

    Does the color clash?

    I agree. Try using #1B1B1B for page background, #1E1E1E for box background and #333333 for box borders. Also I don't like flamed header image and that "bookmark us" button (blue just doesn't match the background).
  11. farscapeone

    Review my website - magician listings

    It's pretty simple but nothing special. I would recommend some graphic enhancements like smooth gradients or crystal effects, but if you are not a pro web designer this is really nice.
  12. farscapeone

    New (ish) Forum

    Any time :biggrin: I don't see a wooden template (I followed the link from your sig) :dunno:
  13. farscapeone

    Web design resource guide.

    Fix CSS Pseudo Hover Class For IE5.5 & IE6
  14. farscapeone

    What do you hate?

    I hate to wait :)
  15. farscapeone

    what is officila email of google

    I don't know if there is such an email but I know that the best way to contact them is to go to their local office in you country (if there is one).
  16. farscapeone

    Cracked Earth...

    The brown one looks better.
  17. farscapeone

    Cracked Earth...

    I don't like the colors. You could add some brightness and saturation to it.
  18. farscapeone

    How old your current computer?

    CPU and Motherboard are about a year old, everything else I change to often to remember when :)
  19. farscapeone

    Same Sex Parents?

    Please read the explanation before you post. Again, just imagine how would you feel about yourself (as a child) knowing that a lot of people (and classmates) are against your parents beliefs.
  20. farscapeone


    I agree with REBEL21. Joomla! is really easy-to-use and you can find some great free templates for it.