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  1. Livewire

    Please help!!! I still cant access my website and webmails

    Think I found the problem; your current IP address is located in Nigeria, whose access to the free servers was completely blocked as the overwealming majority of traffic from Nigeria was abusive (not you in particular, but as a whole the country of Nigeria was causing lots of problems). There's...
  2. Livewire

    Site Suspended thanks to FAQ

    You should still be able to download the file it made before, but it might not be a completed file. Part of the problem with some zip files/compressed archives is they make their "table of contents" first, but if they get stopped partway through, it just tells you it's corrupted. Nothing...
  3. Livewire

    Site Suspended thanks to FAQ

    Yeah it was the backup you were running it looks like; I added a note to the FAQ which probably should've been in there. The way around this would be to use FTP - download the entire contents of public_html to a local directory, and then on your home system compress that folder instead to make...
  4. Livewire

    Site Suspended thanks to FAQ

    The warning will still show up in the suspension history, but in the actual suspending system it will reset back to 0 after a short period (from experience it's either once a day or after a few hours) - it's mostly there to avoid having someone get suspended, do the unsuspension, and repeat...
  5. Livewire

    Sir please unsuspend my account

    I can confirm this is a valid suspension, and there is no way to be unsuspended at this time as it is a very serious violation.
  6. Livewire

    Account suspension:

    You don't. Installing a botnet script isn't tolerated; the TOS made that quite clear under "constantly running scripts" and "illegal content." As such, this is a permanent suspension.
  7. Livewire

    Can't access my site

    Last update in that thread: It went past the estimated time and is still ongoing, rest assured it's being worked on however.
  8. Livewire

    you guys ****ing suck

    Ticket closed, issue solved.
  9. Livewire

    Account suspension

    I haven't been inactive long enough to receive the email you are seeing, however: Accounts found to be inactive are suspended for a 14 day period and then terminated. All data including any type of backup or stored information is removed with the account. To prevent an account from being...
  10. Livewire

    change apache setting

    Apache settings are not able to be changed as they'd affect the entire server, but why do you want this changed in the first place?
  11. Livewire

    Account suspension

    The inactivity suspension system doesn't do an instant-suspend at exactly 30 days, it puts the suspension into a list of actions in a queue and processes them in order. Based on past questions I've asked on this, it likely had you queued to be suspended before you logged in, but because the...
  12. Livewire

    Account suspended

    Had an admin recheck, should be all set now and unsuspended.
  13. Livewire

    Love the Hosting Hate the Suspensions.

    Quick note just to be safe, we don't force you to communicate/post, just to visit. That said, it's surprising how many different discussions one could join into if they felt the need :)
  14. Livewire


    Your account was found to be in violation of the Warez section of the terms of service, and access was permanently revoked as such. This suspension is not able to be removed as it is covered under our Zero Tolerance policy. The account itself will be automatically removed after a minimum of 14...
  15. Livewire

    Selling Genuine IP Board License

    TBH first thing I'd do if you -do- buy an IPB license is go verify it with IPB - if it turns up invalid, dispute the payment :)
  16. Livewire

    Account suspension

    It's telling you to login to the forums, which is showing last login on June 5th, which is about 40 days ago. Login at ASAP to avoid an inactivity suspension.
  17. Livewire

    super admin

    Mentioned this on IRC, I did a quick google for "galaxytool super admin" - one of the top few results came up as it requiring 5.1.6 for MySQL. There is no OFFICIAL requirements list, so I don't know how much to trust this, but it apparently requires Triggers. The cPanel I can see says we're on...
  18. Livewire

    Selling Genuine IP Board License

    Closed and email removed, this is not in line with the Marketplace rules ( )
  19. Livewire

    cannot connect to website after changing hosts

    Did some formatting tweaks (quote tag) and removed the usernames/passes for security, we don't want to run the risk of someone messing it up in the meantime and they shouldn't be needed for what skizzerz was looking at.
  20. Livewire


    No, what you've done is illegal. You've not only stolen someone else's code, but now you've modified it illegally as well. This would not be tolerated in any form on x10hosting.