Search results

  1. TechAsh

    Apache HTTP

  2. TechAsh


    Welcome to x10Hosting Pieter-Jan. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  3. TechAsh

    Too many Problmes------->

    That doesn't matter because DNS is managed by one of the other servers.
  4. TechAsh

    Tabbed browsing

    No, I find that with tabbed browsing it is easier to find things. It's very useful for me when I'm reviewing accounts.
  5. TechAsh

    Hello x10

    Welcome to x10Hosting projectrevolutiongaming. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. If you are not very experienced at coding I suggest using a CMS (Content Management System) like Joomla. *Moved to Introductions*
  6. TechAsh

    Cannot Access Control Panel

    No Problem. *Closed*
  7. TechAsh

    Google Adsense

    You can put the Google Adsense code on your website, yes. Is that what you meant?
  8. TechAsh

    Cannot Access Control Panel

    Well when I visit your site I see that the default index.html is still there, you should change that to avoid being suspended again. Even if I could see your site there is no way that I could find out exactly what caused the error. If it happens again I suggest trying a different blog system. I...
  9. TechAsh

    Cannot Access Control Panel

    High Resource Usage Suspensions are caused by scripts using too much of the Server's resources (CPU, Memory), sometimes badly coded scripts or mods can cause this. Also if you are using WordPress that could be the cause (It seems to use a lot of resources.), quite a few users have been...
  10. TechAsh

    Cannot Access Control Panel

    You can't login to cPanel because your account is suspended. You will be automatically unsuspended 30 mins after you were suspended.
  11. TechAsh

    Can't access CP

    The account "feroza" doesn't exist. If you haven't accessed the Forums recently it is likely that it was terminated. If you do not login to the x10 Forums for two weeks your account is suspended, 10 days later it is terminated. You are welcome to sign up for a new account (Go to...
  12. TechAsh

    Hi everybody ! ^_^

    Welcome to x10Hosting CUNNINGER. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  13. TechAsh


    Welcome to x10Hosting garwar. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  14. TechAsh

    Review my clan site!

    I don't like the flashing text in the menus, and the URL you've got in the top-right id almost impossible to read. Apart from that it's quite nice. 7/10
  15. TechAsh

    New theme in progress - part 2

    Looking nice. 6.5/10
  16. TechAsh

    Hi from Australia

    Welcome to x10Hosting Rahim. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  17. TechAsh

    Hello x10!

    Welcome to x10Hosting Lord Kelvin. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  18. TechAsh

    Hi, From Missouri

    Welcome to x10Hosting Devoted2Impress. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  19. TechAsh


    Welcome to x10Hosting Funky Monkey. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
  20. TechAsh

    wvchoy has landed and rock n' roll lives!

    Welcome to x10Hosting wvchoy. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.