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  1. Smith6612

    Count to 200

  2. Smith6612

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Boss is the Best for being the Best.
  3. Smith6612

    Community Helpers vs Normal Members

    Lol this will be a tough game. Let's just hope the whole community doesn't spambomb this one thread :D 4!
  4. Smith6612

    It's no problem :)

    It's no problem :)
  5. Smith6612

    I forgot my cpanel account.

    Your username is petzaun Your password is whatever you've set up for cPanel. Your server is chopin and your cPanel can be accessed at any of the below links.
  6. Smith6612

    How much RAM do you have?

    Actually during 2005 512MB of RAM was still considered "standard" 1GB and up came around 2006, and these days 4GB is a standard. For netbooks 1GB is standard. But yes, Macs tend to be on the lower ends of hardware.
  7. Smith6612

    Is 8mb the largest file size for upload

    Larger files should be allowed. You should be able to transfer them through the FTP if you can't upload it over HTTP.
  8. Smith6612

    Slow cPanel and MySQL Database

    It's most likely due to server load. I've been watching Lotus's CPU usage via cPanel today and the load is anywhere from 11.86-60.57 in terms of Linux Loads which is always a sign of heavy load. It's Lotus being slow. The issue is most likely from some loose ends being tied up from the recent...
  9. Smith6612

    How to redirect people from different countries to different page

    The main gate (or a Global Page) would be one of the easiest ways to do it where people can choose where they're from and have the site remember the selection via a cookie. If you want to be crafty and know a bit about GeoIP data, you can in fact use code which will look at a person's location...
  10. Smith6612

    YouTube: An Artistic Goldmine?

    I love listening to such music on YouTube. I find this music also readily available for download around on the Creative Commons. Great stuff for not being marketed. Record labels = $$$. Many bands I know are starting to sell music themselves rather than going through a label and people in fact...
  11. Smith6612

    Can your hardware run that game?

    You have to love those moments eh? My old retired gaming PC was marked as "not able to run" many of the games but yet many of those games in fact ran perfectly.
  12. Smith6612

    Can your hardware run that game?

    GTA IV isn't that optimized for the PC. I get memory leaks on that game and it eventually crashes itself out from the leaks. Framerates are really good until the memory leak becomes massive and the game is close to crashing.
  13. Smith6612

    Can your hardware run that game?

    Halo CE? Seriously? You could run that on a 600Mhz Processor given you had a good enough GPU!
  14. Smith6612

    You wouldn't steal a CD...

    @phazzedout: Your post reminded me of a thing I've been sitting on wondering about for a while. I've always wondered why schools still run off of a standardized curriculum even when you get very high into the courses and they have the chance to set up some pretty interesting courses. Being that...
  15. Smith6612

    What Is VMWARE ? pls help

    You *COULD* load Mac OS into a Virtual Machine if you know what you're doing and you do it right. There's also that iffy action of messing with Apple's Agreements though.
  16. Smith6612

    How much of your GMail space are you using?

    Less than 1% of it.
  17. Smith6612

    Windows does it again!

    This plug-in is nothing major or new. Whenever it updates Firefox on start will bring up the Add-ons manager and show you that it was installed or updated. The uninstall button on it does work (and if it doesn't you're missing a patch) so it's no big deal.
  18. Smith6612

    2000th post party

    Congrats on the 2k post milestones! You're one post past that already though so I have to take that cookie back :biggrin:
  19. Smith6612


    I'm in TF2 for hours on end on a daily basis. I love Team Fortress 2. Such a silly but awesome game in my opinion.
  20. Smith6612

    Setting for filezilla

    Your hostname can either be , or . All three addresses will work. The Port is the standard FTP port of 21.