Search results

  1. Christopher

    Can't Login To cPanel

    Try changing your password at Login with your forum username and password there. To cPanel you should login with the username fishbowl. Regarding your last edit, we don't get paid for doing this and you aren't paying for your hosting. So you really have no right...
  2. Christopher

    Please Remove

    Account terminated. Thank you for using x10Hosting.
  3. Christopher

    Problem with eXtplorer

    Are you using the latest version of eXtplorer? It seems to be a bug that they fixed.
  4. Christopher

    Captcha & phpinfo on Intermediate config

    Try the fix at for the MyBB CAPTCHA problem.
  5. Christopher

    Unable to upload files

    What are the errors you are getting?
  6. Christopher

    configured fileupload limit exceeded - file dropped

    You are hitting the maximum file upload size. Upgrade to the intermediate php version at and wait 12 hours and you'll have a higher limit.
  7. Christopher


  8. Christopher


    Moved to level two support I attempted to extract it and faced the same problem. Something with cPanel probably needs fixing.
  9. Christopher

    SMTP server has been down for 2 days.

    Moved to level two support
  10. Christopher

    Apache HTTP Offline - again

    We try to keep the servers running smooth. However, when you put a few thousand accounts on one server downtime is going to happen. Between our 3 ad free accounts we have 12,596 active accounts. People are going to abuse the servers and the servers are going to get overloaded from time to time.
  11. Christopher

    Can't Login To cPanel

    Try logging in at
  12. Christopher

    Need an answer

    Moved to level two support
  13. Christopher

    I can't create an SQL Database

    What is your cPanel username? I can't find a account with the username dark_yux.
  14. Christopher


    Try using the legacy file manager.
  15. Christopher

    Found Problem With Website

    Have you waited 12 hours since you requested the PHP upgrade?
  16. Christopher

    Uploading Ecommerce Software

    You do not have access to the php.ini file. You only need it for step 2 but you can skip that as gd is enabled.
  17. Christopher

    Can't access cPanel

    Try using
  18. Christopher

    php upgrade past 12 hours

    You have the intermediate version of PHP. Did you request the advanced version?
  19. Christopher

    Error in second conformation Email

    Moved to level two support
  20. Christopher

    Install Movable Type

    The database should start with mgoyanes_