Search results

  1. Corey

    Send some help over to free hosting to prevent a tarnished image

    Hi, I understand your frustration. Unfortunately as you've noticed paid services have priority over free hosting. We have more paid hosting servers than we do free and they also went through the migration that free hosting went through. We migrated our last server just a couple of days ago...
  2. Corey

    X10 is the best!

    Thanks for the supportive comments.
  3. Corey

    Questions before applying

    Yes, that type of site would be allowed as long as you understand you're responsible for all content on the site (links users make).
  4. Corey

    Can I get a refund on the Inactivity Timer?

    So you used a service for 4 months and now are asking for a refund? There is no way that in any country that is allowed. We also do not provide refunds on any pre-paid services regardless of the circumstance. We have over 50,000 hosting accounts and you are the only one that I've heard of...
  5. Corey

    Can I get a refund on the Inactivity Timer?

    I saw your ticket in the client area... if your purchase was recent and not 4 months ago I would consider it but that is too long ago to be requesting a refund now.
  6. Corey

    MySQL Errors

    After cPanel finishes updating this should be fully resolved.
  7. Corey

    MySQL Errors

    If you're getting an access denied error follow these steps posted by LameRock:
  8. Corey

    MySQL Errors

    I have a script running right now to update all the databases with a fix. It will probably finish in about an hour from now. After that everything should be fixed.
  9. Corey

    MySQL Errors

    There seems to be a bug with cPanel on some of the servers. If you are getting MySQL errors please try this: Login to cPanel, go to the databases section and pick "remote mysql". On this screen put a % in the box and hit add host. Your site should now work. Go back and remove the %. If...
  10. Corey

    Error establishing a database connection

    Seems to be a bug, going to post in the news about it while I work on a fix.
  11. Corey

    Error establishing a database connection

    Had to write a script to update each database on the server individually. There are quite a few but it's been running for about 45 minutes now, it should finish soon.
  12. Corey

    Error establishing a database connection

    I'm working on this. I'll update you here once it's fixed.
  13. Corey

    website database problem

    Should be fixed.
  14. Corey

    MySQL Update

    Lotus is done, moving on to Stoli
  15. Corey

    MySQL Update

    Absolut Boru Chopin Cossacks Have all been moved to remote, I will be starting Lotus shortly and Stoli \ Starka will follow later today. Doing these slowly to make sure there are no issues. I've taken a random sampling of sites after the move to make sure MySQL is working. If you have MySQL...
  16. Corey

    Search Functionality in the Forums

    I'll see if I can move that, seems like a vBulletin default.
  17. Corey

    Is it only me?

    If Softaculous is not there, Fantastico should be. Both will be available when we're done with everything.
  18. Corey

    The cPanel +13 cost

    It's now $9.95, and a bit lower on higher plans. $8.95 on X7 and $7.95 on X9
  19. Corey

    MySQL Update

    I delayed this for a few hours to take additional backups. So this will happen sometime tonight depending on your server.
  20. Corey

    MySQL Update

    We'll be moving MySQL back to the remote servers over the next few hours. You may see 5-10 minutes of downtime on MySQL anytime between now and the next 3 to 4 hours. Please don't report MySQL issues until after this time frame has ended.