Search results

  1. M

    web page error

    For more on what to post when asking for help, read over "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way". Also read "Stay secure while getting support."
  2. M

    How upload my files in different directoy???

    I'm not sure how you're uploading files to "public_html" with PHP, as uploaded files are stored in the directory specified by upload_tmp_dir or, failing that, the TMPDIR environment variable (which should be "/tmp"). From there, you can move it wherever you wish using move_uploaded_file. If you...
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    MySQL query

    "fk" is a fairly standard abbreviation, and "PDO" is more standard than the full name; you don't need to expand on those. So (cust.shipID, shipTo.shipID) is a many-to-one relationship, as is (partOrder.custID, cust.custID). That would have been useful information to have from the start. From...
  4. M

    Collecting Information Using XMLReader in PHP

    Don't threadjack. Start your own thread rather than reviving old ones.
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    MySQL query

    There are a few point which are unclear. What do you mean by "group", since nothing else suggests the need for grouping? What is "S/B"? If I understand the requirements, a (natural) inner join is what you need: SELECT shipTo.address FROM parts JOIN cust ON parts.custID = cust.custID...
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    PHP script within Html or htm

    Again, check the date of the last post before reviving a long dead thread.
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    500 Errors - please help! quick!

    Remember, free hosting support is provided by volunteers. I understand you're frustrated and on a deadline, but we don't owe you anything on two counts. Furthermore, if we can't reproduce the problem, we can't diagnose it. There's something unique to your site that's causing problems. Keep...
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    [RESOLVED] Timer countdown function alteration

    On an unrelated note, I notice you're ending the double quoted string to concatenate $i. You can interpolate variables directly into double quoted and heredoc strings. The PHP code can thus be made more readable: "... timer('ff$i', " . rand(1,100) . "); ..." Or even: $r = rand(1,100)...
  9. M

    Account suspended

    If you weren't aware, you can unsuspend yourself after your first two high-resource usage suspensions. However, in this case you were double-suspended (looks like the suspension system was misbehaving). Better disable that template right away.
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    A Open Source Code Site

    What, exactly, do you want to do on your site? Do you want users to upload their own code and run it on the site, or only store code on the site? If the former, my advice is don't. Only someone extremely knowledgable about security issues and platforms should even begin to think about attempting...
  11. M

    500 Internal Server Error

    This forum is for posting tutorials or tutorial requests. For configuration support, please post in the free hosting forum (or have an admin move this thread) after searching for other threads on this topic to learn what additional information you'll need to include (such as the contents of your...
  12. M

    MySQLdb not available for Python???

    It was installed at one point, but with the various server rebuilds it went away, along with a few other problematic changes. You can request that it be re-installed. In the short term, you can try manually installing the egg (add it to sys.path, possibly after unzipping it first).
  13. M

    Quicktime movie will play in browers but will not play from html

    Are there any errors logged in the browsers' error consoles? Does anything show in the browser where the video should be? What versions of the browsers did you test? When asking for coding help, state what you expect to happen, what actually happens (including any error messages), and include a...
  14. M

    Please update the .htaccess

    Be careful about what torrents you track--the word from Corey is that it's okay as long as you have the right to distribute the files (you own the copyright or the files are in the creative commons, public domain or otherwise freely distributable). If you ever violate copyright on X10 by...
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    What language should I use for a chat app

    That Java suggestion (or Flash/Flex) is probably the best option for chat clients--no need to install anything, though it would also be easy to make an installable version (for Flash or Flex, you can create an AIR app), and both can more readily support push and peer-to-peer communication. PHP...
  16. M

    Site isn't loading...

    It looks like Chopin is down right now. Give the admins a bit of time and they'll bring it back.
  17. M

    problem rewrite URL

    That question was answered earlier today. Before starting a new thread, search for existing threads that might be related to you topic. If what you find doesn't help, then start a new thread, but be sure to state what you want to happen and what actually happens (including any error messages)...
  18. M

    download page querystring

    In that case, you don't need a script to read & output the file, you just need to redirect to the file. You can load the file in an iframe to download it, or use JS (or both, with the iframe in a <noscript> tag in case JS is disabled or unsupported). You should avoid a meta refresh, as it's been...
  19. M

    download page querystring

    If something doesn't work the way you think, look into how it works. Filesystem functions (including the stat family) don't work with files retrieved via HTTP (or, indeed, many wrappers). Wrappers have to be based on the capabilities of the underlying transport mechanism. HTTP is a fairly simple...
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    Joomla! - Text covered under right module.

    Keep looking at those google results--they tell you how to override Joomla core output, and not just for certain templates. The first linked page, for example, leads to YOOtheme's overrides, which will work with more than just YOOtheme themes, though it was created for them. If it's not the core...