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  1. M

    Joomla! - Text covered under right module.

    If you're relying on Joomla, then try getting Joomla to give you tableless layout.
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    download page querystring

    Make sure you're not violating the Terms of Service by using your site for file storage. Better close that security hole with the likes of realpath and a path prefix check. ... $pathToFile = realpath($dirOfFiles . $_GET['id'] . $fileEndExt); if (substr_compare($pathToFile, $dirOfFiles, 0...
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    Joomla! - Text covered under right module.

    One big problem is you're (ab)using tables for layout. That's probably throwing everything off. Replace the tables with semantic HTML elements.
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    Simple image display with PHP using regex...

    Only if you use an FTP URL and allow_url_fopen is enabled. Filesystem functions can only access objects that are, well, accessible via the filesystem. You wouldn't expect opendir to work with databases, would you? Fortunately for you, PHP's opendir has been extended to work with FTP. You could...
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    Help with Cross browser issues with layered DIVS

    Have the two people check for malware. Any browser that isn't outdated should support windowless mode for flash.
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    PHP and MYSQL Help

    SQL has aggregate functions that operate on grouped columns, returning a single value for the group. In this case, SUM should do what you want. SELECT SUM(delta) FROM transactions GROUP BY product; If you need something more specific, you'll need to include a minimal test case, which (for this...
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    Collecting Information Using XMLReader in PHP

    For one thing, you're sometimes fetching the file twice. If you want to test for a 304 response first, set CURLOPT_NOBODY to send a HEAD request the first time (then unset it and set CURLOPT_HTTPGET the second time). You can also simply make a single request, though a 304 response will clobber...
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    CSS / HTML Help

    Neither model is unconditionally wrong; they both have their place, depending on whether you're fitting stuff around content (NS's model), or content inside something else (IE's model); I've come across both situations. I'm just glad we will finally have a choice.
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    CSS / HTML Help

    Bad idea. Don't add meaningless content to affect layout; use styling. Drop the "width: 100%" (as essellar suggests) and you can use padding. Also, use a heading element rather than a division for the heading. Headings are semantic, while divisions aren't.
  10. M

    Simple image display with PHP using regex...

    If there aren't any files that match /[^a-z0-9]{4}_th.jpg/, you can also use glob to get the files: ... foreach (glob($image_dir_path . '/????_th.jpg') as $filename) { ... } This does away with opendir, readdir and preg_match.
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    Make Art. Save Art. Scholarship

    Solid graphic design. Not as much impact as a few of the other entries, but definitely a top contender.
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    W3Schools is outdated, incomplete and inaccurate. There are much better alternatives out there.
  13. M

    Sending email contact form from flash using PHP

    Tell us exactly what is and where it is going wrong. Is the form not getting submitted to the form handler? Then try (for example) Tizag's flash form tutorial. Is the form handler not mailing the message? Is the browser sent to the "Thank You" page? In general, when asking for help you should...
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    Collecting Information Using XMLReader in PHP

    Interesting. In the test script, SimpleXML was able to handle the data in under 30 s and using 1 MiB. Of course, I tested it on my development server, not X10. If your script is timing out before completion, you could break it up into 3 scripts: download the data, extract the data you care...
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    Win32 PHP5, cURL, Apache

    XAMP 1.7.1 used PHP 5.2, though it also had a buggy libxml2. WampServer supports PHP 5.2 as an add-on. Only one version of PHP can be active at any particular time, but you can switch between versions quite easily through the WampServer tray menu. If you want to get cURL to work under your...
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    Win32 PHP5, cURL, Apache

    Enabling cURL in XAMPP is also quite easy; consider switching to it as well. If you don't like XAMPP or WampServer, there are other WAMPs you can look in to.
  17. M

    How to package PHP/MYSQL application for automatic installation

    Rather than limiting your potential users to those running windows, I recommend simply compressing the files in archives (zip and tarred&gzipped, at the very least) and including a setup script. To complete installation after decompressing the archive in the appropriate directory, the site admin...
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    Win32 PHP5, cURL, Apache

    PHP extension libraries (if that's what you mean by "the two [DLLs]"; your post is ambiguously stated in a few points) should be in the extension directory, not the System32 folder. Try the instructions that web searches turn up.
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    Collecting Information Using XMLReader in PHP

    One more thing: that XML file is rather sizable. If your script runs on X10 with any frequency, you will probably find your site suspended. Since the other site only updates the data every so often, you can cache the result of processing the data and use an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match...