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  1. lylex10h

    Comment on the UI and speed of this website?

    You can losslessly optimize the images and save a few bytes on the page size. For example I used FileOptimizer to compress from 23,553 bytes to 16,557 bytes (70% of the original size). Since you are using WordPress you can...
  2. lylex10h

    Really, really new on it.. please help.

    If you don't have domain (whatever.tld) you can use "Your Domain". For example mine is If your web gallery was in public_html/gallery the URL would be If you have image in public_html/gallery such as myself.jpg the URL for that image...
  3. lylex10h

    Internal Server Error

    Without having any access to your files, this is very hard diagnose. Make sure the permissions on your public_html are 755 and if you have a .htaccess file, try renaming it to htaccess.txt
  4. lylex10h

    Can only upload 250MB, how to change it so I have unlimited?? File Storage Hosting accounts may not be used to store backups, personal files, or non-web accessible files. Any files hosted on the account must be directly related to the website the account is intended for. Files over 10MB in size will be...
  5. lylex10h

    Mod Security

    See Need to get dat Premium.
  6. lylex10h

    Can't login into x10Hosting account

    Don't use proxies (and possibly VPNs and free WiFi spots) to log in to x10. People use them for abuse reasons or get around country restrictions so they are pretty much all blocked (from what I've read and makes sense to me). Under normal circumstances should redirect...
  7. lylex10h


    If your account is suspended, you can find out what to do here.
  8. lylex10h

    exec() disabled for security purposes

    Prohibited Scripts Space provided by x10Hosting is to be used to create a functional website, we do not allow bots, content scrapers, or any other script that runs continuously on your account. Any scripts that are executed via cron or manually must be directly related to your website. The below...
  9. lylex10h

    Database Connection Failed

    Can you provide the code of the connection string? Just replace the password with *s
  10. lylex10h

    exec() disabled for security purposes

    You should start with reading
  11. lylex10h

    Joomla PHP 5.6

    In the top-right of your screen there should be a "Switch Theme" link. Go there and select the option for "cPanel x3".
  12. lylex10h

    No Database and JSON support

    cPanel --> Software and Services box --> Select PHP Version --> Check boxes for json, mysli, mysqlnd, pdo, pdo_mysql and click the [Save] button.
  13. lylex10h

    How to get rid of "via " from emails received in Gmail

    I did my testing using Mail in Windows 10 with as my SMTP server. So if they allow external connections, they should certainly allow internal connections.
  14. lylex10h

    How to get rid of "via " from emails received in Gmail

    Based on some testing I have done, I'd recommend the SMTP Method.
  15. lylex10h

    How to get rid of "via " from emails received in Gmail

    If you use cPanel webmail to send a message from to an account, does it show as via What is the DKIM Selector for (This should be in your DNS records. Ex. go to Domain Name: |...
  16. lylex10h

    CMOD 755 775

    I used a FTP client to change the permissions on a folder to 775 and so far they have stuck. !!!NOTE!!! I have changed mine back for security reasons to 755 as this is NOT recommended. See the Backend Security section of for more info. If your...
  17. lylex10h

    Site limited

    I'd recommend reading over (everything except Method 4, x10 has paid plans at ). Also, use Cloudflare.
  18. lylex10h

    Recent Error: An appropriate representation of the requested resource... could not

    My initial guess based on Googling that error message is that is mod_security related. If that's the case you should see
  19. lylex10h

    Site limited

    Are you using a CMS such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?
  20. lylex10h

    Plugins For Needing Help Please

    Hi Amanda and welcome to x10. When you are in the WordPress Admin dashboard, you should see a listing for "Plugins" below Appearance and above Users. If you place your mouse cursor over "Plugins" a sub-menu should open and the second option should be "Add New". Click on "Add New" and that...