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  1. bugfinder

    Can't add ads using my url to PHPBBv3

    Can you do a grab of what you see?
  2. bugfinder

    delete my hosting account

    Your account has been terminated.
  3. bugfinder

    Can't add ads using my url to PHPBBv3

    Your ads are working.. turn off your ad blocker :P
  4. bugfinder

    No privelages on phpmyadmin!

    You should be able to through be able to upgrade to one of the other "ad" based offerings (static is oddly counted as "ad enhanced" but without the ads, so you dont get any databases)
  5. bugfinder

    I have no idea what I'm doing.

    Your website is what you make of it, so as long as you have changed the index.html page, or deleted it and have an index.php or index.htm instead, that will be the first page of your site, the rest moves on from there. There are a truck load of tutorials on making websites out there, do a google...
  6. bugfinder

    Signing up CO.CC domain

    You should change the name servers on the domain you got to x10s, and then add it to your account.
  7. bugfinder

    cPannel issues

    :) hehe, I thought it was mentioned somewhere, but yes, unix servers are case sensitive.. Glad you found the issue.
  8. bugfinder

    Big problem

    I see a bulletin board in an unsupported language.... Which you should address.. As for why you cant see it, try flushing your DNS and webcache.
  9. bugfinder

    RSS feeds not working

    Err, this the forum,and Im a staffer trying to assist you.. I think you're very confused.
  10. bugfinder

    Others cannot view my website

    I see a SMF based site also
  11. bugfinder

    site and cPanel not opening..!!

    Wouldnt know a facebook theme if it bit me, but, I see a review site with the top post about "Euro 2008 @ a Click With Your S60 Device*" If you run any operating system other than vista, please try a traceroute to your website and see where it turns to *'s if its after the first or second hop...
  12. bugfinder


    As long as it is set to a single connection you should be fine. If you find it continues to give you issues, Id recommend finding an alternative ftp program.
  13. bugfinder

    I can't login

    You seem to have created a new account called brunoaia...
  14. bugfinder


    standard port, localhost - not really an "introduction" question though.. will move to free hosting.
  15. bugfinder

    site and cPanel not opening..!! is working for me, what error are you getting?
  16. bugfinder

    I can't login

    Firstly you would need to link your forum account to your hosting account, I would suggest you recheck the sign up email you got as brunoais does not appear to be a valid cpanel login ID and doesnt seem to be one thats been terminated either.
  17. bugfinder

    Continuing ad problem, despite the instructions

    It works for me if I turn my adblock off on that page, the ad appears where Id expect looking at the html on the right hand column at the top.
  18. bugfinder


    You need to set your ftp to download 1 thing at a time. Filezilla uses multiple connections.
  19. bugfinder

    RSS feeds not working

    RSS feeds should work, what error are you getting?
  20. bugfinder

    Domain not available to some...

    Im seeing a purply page, please flush your dns and clear your webcache and try again.