Search results

  1. bugfinder

    Reset my acount please

    We dont do resets, we can delete them - please see the information in the upgrade/downgrade area.
  2. bugfinder

    Apache HTTP/DNS offline

    Occasionally services do have to be restarted
  3. bugfinder

    want HTTP absolut will online

    abstolut's webservice is running
  4. bugfinder

    Suspended but reason says not suspended...

    Your account is now showing the correct suspension message.
  5. bugfinder

    Name servers didnt work

    define "didnt work" name server changes take upto 72 hours to propogate around the internet.
  6. bugfinder

    Cant retrive my account

    It would seem your account was terminated because of a large quantity of illegal content.
  7. bugfinder

    Problem with pages

    It depends a little on how and where its cached, however, if you google for preventing web page caching there is some things you can do to reduce the chances of caching..
  8. bugfinder

    subdomain help

    Well as an example We own the domain, you have had from us a subdomain of gamez4u, thus making it You can make further subdomains from that of say etc
  9. bugfinder

    How do i add a domain

    you either use park (which makes the parked name an alias for your current one) or you use an "Addon" which means you can point the added domain to a new folder and it acts separately.
  10. bugfinder

    Cant access my site?

    Yes as part of the coming up process thats what it does it hasnt sorted out everyones website so it redirects to an SSL page
  11. bugfinder

    Website not working

    If you see the server announcements you'll see your server was being rebooted
  12. bugfinder

    Cant access my site?

    Your server was being rebooted, please see the server annoucement section.
  13. bugfinder

    Can't login in Cpanel

    Your server was being rebooted, all should be back to normal, we cannot "reset" accounts, the nearest we can offer is to delete them so you can remake them. There are a number of stickies about things like word press etc, please post your issues if you need further assistance in the web site...
  14. bugfinder

    website down

    Please see the server announcements, your server was being rebooted, it should be ok now.
  15. bugfinder

    Game not loading

    Please see the server announcements, your server was being rebooted.
  16. bugfinder

    Cpanel not unzipping files?

    no, cpanel is not dependant on your php version. Are you sending in zip files, or are they tar or rar type files? Ive only had issues with password proteted zips and rar files.
  17. bugfinder

    Problem with pages

    Sounds like your web viewing is being cached.
  18. bugfinder

    CPanel Time Out

    please ping your website, if the IP address it returns ends in 241 you're machine hasnt picked up the right address yet, please flush your dns and clear your webcache and see if that then helps - cpanel often doesnt work until you see the right IP for your site.
  19. bugfinder

    no website made??

    Shows the welcome page to me, please re-read, you are only permitted to have 1 account, please make your decision as to which account you wish to keep
  20. bugfinder

    Need Help Again explains exactly where the ads should go