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  1. Livewire

    Constant internal server errors

    Files should normally be 644; I'm not sure what caused the folders to go to 777, however there's also the possibility that the installer itself set them to 777. Not entirely positive why they did that mind you, but some installers think they have to have 777 set for the script to run right...
  2. Livewire

    500 internal error

    The problem went away when I renamed your .htaccess to .htaccess.bak, so I did some digging. Your .htaccess had a line to change the php flag "register globals" to off. This won't work well for two reasons: 1, we can't change php.ini settings on free accounts, but more importantly 2, it's...
  3. Livewire

    More Updates

    Only if we happen to have an ETA on which servers are being moved and when, although I'm fully aware there may not be one as of yet :)
  4. Livewire

    Vbulletin problem

    This will be the last reply before I ban, you, I just thought you should see exactly what vB told me before I did so: Enjoy the rewards of lying to volunteers. I don't appreciate having my time wasted. Goodbye forever.
  5. Livewire

    Out of disk space.

    Should be fixed last I heard; there were a few file hosters who were permanently removed from the service.
  6. Livewire

    suspension File hosting zt.

    You managed to bring the CEO out of his corner to start doing terminations, so you certainly -were- doing some form of file hosting. And judging by the lone MP3 I found on the account, it was quite possibly for illegal mp3's too. In any case, there's no real hard-set "limit" on disk space...
  7. Livewire

    Vbulletin problem

    Had to suspend it pending the actual update from vB. So far I've found the credits messed with, the phone-home code that verifies the license on install is missing, the vbulletin define code is modified and doesn't actually -define- a version, and probably the killer, I found a license #...
  8. Livewire

    Vbulletin problem

    Well not to be a nay-sayer or anything, but so far I've found two files that are modified or outright missing that shouldn't be modified or missing. So we'll definitely have to wait and see before we can do anything.
  9. Livewire

    Vbulletin problem

    If it is indeed hitting a time out there's not much you can do, however I am checking on the legitimacy of your vbulletin install. I should warn you that since I have verified the presense of the vB on the account, if it turns out to be a nulled install and it's no longer present on the...
  10. Livewire

    my account

    I show there is an account termination that has been executed for the cpanel username GnuBug - Node Boru, Reason: Hosting account suspended for 23.1 days, terminaiton 2001-04-26. That'd mean it was suspended since april 3rd without a resolution and was automatically terminated when terminations...
  11. Livewire


    Well they can't all be filled with Creme-Filled-Cakes and other delicious confections :) Right, Okay, Back On...Off Topic? ROBOOT? HIIIIIIIII!
  12. Livewire

    Constant internal server errors

    I can confirm there are many folders with improper permissions; inside public_html: The folders data, images, web_documents, web_flash, web_images, and web_media all have 777 and should be 755 or any php file within them is inaccessible. There may very well be others, but these are the ones I...
  13. Livewire

    Account suspended for no reason!

    There's a tag from a known warez group in the images folder which resulted in the suspension.
  14. Livewire

    Can not use wordpress for x10hosting

    What is the error it is displaying?
  15. Livewire

    can't post or reply in forums

    It's actually on stoli, exofire's just the domain choice. And stoli does seem to be a bit cranky atm, I've been unable to find why though.
  16. Livewire

    Can not use wordpress for x10hosting

    Is it giving error messages? What is it not doing that it should be? It's hard to debug when all we've got so far is that it's not working.
  17. Livewire

    changed domain name, can't access site

    Sadly yeah, as the .ca series of domain names isn't a free series as far as I can tell. x10hosting might be able to register the domain, but it's not one of the normal free ones. If you need a free one, look up either, or you could run a Main Domain change from the account panel to...
  18. Livewire

    suspended account

    Did you bother to type "vbulletin" into Google? The first three links are,'s community forums, and PURCHASE VBULLETIN. Even the most cursory of glances show vB's not free, and that no demos are available for download. They do run a 24hr demo, but it runs on -their-...
  19. Livewire


    Wasnt me, but I can see the problem. The error_log has multiple errors being thrown on the same second over and over and over and over and over - something got stuck in a loop SOMEWHERE and dragged the system down like an anchor.
  20. Livewire

    Then Plz Provide The Solution

    So instead of using your existing tickets you keep openign new ones? Well, enjoy the permanent vacation from the forums too then. You are -not- getting the account back. The solution was quite simple - don't break the TOS. That was too difficult, so we permanently suspended your account.