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  1. Livewire

    plz remove my account

    It's already been permanently suspended. It'll automatically be removed after a minimum of 14 days, and we do not expedite the process.
  2. Livewire

    About my host suspention

    You mean you want us to link you to the rules that were linked to you right next to the button that said "I have read and agree to abide by the x10hosting terms of service" ? Frankly, I'm stunned. You marked the checkbox that said you read it, thus lying to us. Now you expect us to send you...
  3. Livewire

    A simple Question about the Hosting

    Just backing up what STPVoice has already said; they're fine. Just keep in mind, crons can only be ran once every 5 minutes unless you pick up Prime or Illuminated, and if the code is shoddy (or if the game has a ton to do and update), you run the risk of High Resource Usage. Not permanent...
  4. Livewire

    Account Suspension

    And the magic of SSH strikes again. Care to explain why you've got a stolen copy of the gmail login in "index.htm" in the root of your account? It's either Phishing, or Copyright Infringement for the theft of the entire front page. Both are permanent, so you cannot be unsuspended.
  5. Livewire


    I'll save the hassle, there's no phone-home code present and thus it's nulled. Congrats on switching hosting thomasrossrepo43, cause you're not getting your account back here. Glad to see you've already moved, shouldn't be a major inconvenience then.
  6. Livewire

    Account suspended for no reason!

    That why there's a tag from a known warez site in theme/images? Cause it wasn't downloaded from, which is why it got picked up as a nulled script and why it cannot be unsuspended.
  7. Livewire

    website down

    Clear browser cache and flush DNS, it loads fine here. With one exception, which is a major problem to note. Nothing on the account CURRENTLY violates the TOS, however the disclaimer on your site is a major concern: The problem here is something called Contributory Copyright Infringement...
  8. Livewire

    Unsupported language suspension

    If you're feeling insulted, imagine how we feel. That's in the TOS and has been since 2005 when I signed up. It's not discrimination - if we can't review the site, then how can we confirm it's in line with the terms of service? The google translate and other automatic translations were...
  9. Livewire

    Website Not Loading!!!!!!

    I've renamed your .htaccess file to .htaccess.bak, which resolved the problem. There is something inside the .htaccess that is either not formatted properly, or is otherwise wrong, although I've not got enough experience working with .htaccess files to be able to tell what exactly. This didn't...
  10. Livewire

    How do i get my hosting suspension removed?

    Especially as proxies had their own section too. In any case, issue solved ticket closed.
  11. Livewire

    sitio de allison

    No spammin' the ticket system please.
  12. Livewire

    my site is closed??

    Cause it's in arabic with no translation to english, spanish, or french as required by the TOS, and it's not possible to translate because it's in flash. Or rather, that's why it's suspended -now- cause it wasn't suspended before. But while I was checking into it, I couldn't ignore that it's...
  13. Livewire

    Unsuspend my hosting please!

    Resuspended for pornography, zero tolerance permanent suspension, feel free to NOT come back as we made it very clear what would and wouldn't be tolerated in the terms. Good day sir/ma'am/thing.
  14. Livewire

    dl host

    Please be sure to read our TOS if you haven't already; filehosting is forbidden and you -will- be suspended if found to be in violation of the terms.
  15. Livewire

    .htaccess MOD REWRITE

    Topic closed, this topic is 3 years old -and- you failed to follow the rules of the section as no offer was made for credit-based payment.
  16. Livewire

    Softaculous don't work

    Does it give an error message? Cause without an error message, saying "it doesn't work" doesn't help us identify the root cause and forward it to staff.
  17. Livewire

    Unable to upload pdfs

    That'd likely be because the D&D rulebooks are too big to be uploaded by FTP thanks to the limit set on FTP to prevent copyright infringement. Oh, and you were just permanently suspended for: Dungeons\ &\ Dragons\ -\ 4th\ Edition\ -\ Arcane\ Power.pdf Dungeons\ &\ Dragons\ -\ 4th\ Edition\ -\...
  18. Livewire

    Suspended related

    It's not vBulletin that's the problem, it's that you don't have a license # in the files, which means they didn't come from vB and aren't legal. This is a permanent suspension.
  19. Livewire

    is x10hosting a free hosting for ever??

    Will today work for ya? I mean since you felt it prudent to host a site devoted to links to illegal copies of full movies. That's contributory copyright infringement, so enjoy the permanent suspension. Seriously, it's not that hard to read the terms. Had you done that and then actually...
  20. Livewire

    Suspension [Email script]

    There's nothing wrong with email scripts. Now, public abusable header forging email scripts? Those break the AUP for forging headers. That's what got us blocked at Hotmail, besides that some of our users felt it prudent to just spam the heck out of them too. So no, no second chances here.