Search results

  1. bugfinder

    adenhanced corportae package... is my site ok now?

    Its a little bleak, the ads show for me though.
  2. bugfinder

    Whts wrong wid Britney?

    Ive never understood why it is that so many people who gain money turn into major druggies and then are so shocked that this isnt good for them..
  3. bugfinder

    Cpanel... Cant login

    If you view your site do you see domain available or a welcome page?
  4. bugfinder

    Web Site Problems

    Your front page (before you changed it) looked to be php based as it was a forum front end..
  5. bugfinder

    x10rewards link removed?????

    It would seem so, I think one of the main reasons it was originally there was for people to release themselves from the inactivity suspension, which you can now do for yourselves anyway
  6. bugfinder


    If you click on the phpbb link it tells you clearly its phpbb3
  7. bugfinder

    How to get irc support ticket?

    All of the links to irc I found on this forum include where to get tickets from, tickets are answered if there is any thing in them, or we talk to you on irc. If the ticket you submit says nothing, likely it will be closed with no answer, for there was nothing to say.
  8. bugfinder

    mysite crawling when accessing

    Lots of things can contribute to anything seeming slow, wether its badly performing code behind it, lots of little bits needing to be downloaded (such as many little graphics) or high activity on any of the links between you and the server.
  9. bugfinder

    how to add ads in phpbb3??????

    probably from this sticky at the top of the forum
  10. bugfinder

    mysite crawling when accessing

    Your site seemed to load fairly fast here. How "slow" is slow?
  11. bugfinder

    Suspended account

    One of the requirements of hosting is that we are able to review your account.
  12. bugfinder

    cPanel Issues

    this should be working now.
  13. bugfinder

    "there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system."

    Re: "there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend syste this should be working now
  14. bugfinder

    Account management panel error

    this should be working now..
  15. bugfinder

    Cpanel Login/account Manager Doesnt Work

    please PM me your entire "Account created" email including the password and I shall ensure that your account is created correctly and fit to go.
  16. bugfinder

    DNS and CPanel problems...

    Please PM me the entire "Account Created" email, and I will ensure your account is created correctly and ready to go. (please include the password in case I need to remake it)
  17. bugfinder


    is it working now?
  18. bugfinder


    is this still a problem
  19. bugfinder

    ftp not working with password

    Did you change your ftp password as I suggested?
  20. bugfinder


    I would help if I understood the question. the PHP_SELF variable is not a script, you have the intermediate lvl php (which I think you said but your english is not clear)..