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  1. bugfinder

    How do i ad ads to SMF?

    You mean this one? the one stickied at the top of this forum?
  2. bugfinder

    email problem

    10061 usually is that the server is not listening on that port, I noticed there you've listed your smtp server as your domain code, have you tried localhost?
  3. bugfinder


    If your place your files with a .php extension, and use the <?php tag, the code should work. Please make sure that the php files arent in cgi-bin and dont have 755 but are at most 644 (thats rw,r,r)
  4. bugfinder

    Account Suspedned/Deleted?

    Do you remember which server you are on? what your domain name is? This will make the account hunting quicker
  5. bugfinder

    [STOLI] Disk Full when uploading

    Thanks for letting us know. We are aware and someone is looking into it.
  6. bugfinder

    still getting suspended

    Your site is suspended for not having an index page. You can check the reason for suspension by viewing your site aka and entering your cpanel login in the check suspension reason box. If you wish for the suspension to be lifted please use the "Request...
  7. bugfinder

    Disk full error.

    Thank you, someone is looking into that now.
  8. bugfinder

    account suspended

    The first place we look is the domain you signed up for. You can always put up an index page which links to your subdomain - if you're happy to do that or put up a new index page of any reasonable content, we'll lift the suspension for you to do so.
  9. bugfinder

    Default Index Page- ???

    When we refer to the default index page, when you first get an account we provide a welcome page, its called index.html and can be found in your public_html folder - this is the page we mean
  10. bugfinder

    Domain errors

    When you changed your domain you added the www, I have removed this for you, this causes a problem as then your website thinks its really Your forums may or may not work if they dont thats probably a configuration setting within the forums.
  11. bugfinder

    Transferring my PhpBB3 forum from one host to another.

    If you can get a backup of the db, theres every chance you can just upload the db and files with a small change to the config file which verifies name, username, password, and dbname for your database settings.
  12. bugfinder

    php help, searching strings

    Looks like you should have an answer to that from IRC now :P
  13. bugfinder

    Unsuspension Request for sheff

    Moved to level 2 for an admin to investigated
  14. bugfinder

    Subdomain not working without WWW

    When you added it as a subdomain did you add it with www at the front? if so, that would explain it.
  15. bugfinder

    account suspeneded

    The definition of "active" is logging in the forums, not hits to your site. Your account is not currently suspended.
  16. bugfinder

    is this allowed?

    We tend to not be happy with youtube videos as it takes a video to be report on youtube for it to be removed, therefore there is and can be easily found much copyrighted material on it and similar sites.
  17. bugfinder

    Domain Mapping Problems + Records

    1. Name server changes can take upto 72 hours to propogate. 2. IMHO no, but its not a bad thing it just means while your own personal domain is not working its very difficult for you to do things to your site. 3. yes 4. if you changed the name servers, no.
  18. bugfinder


    You should be connecting to localhost, by the looks of that you're trying to connect to stoli using its name or ip?
  19. bugfinder

    how to put html, php and perl code samples on HTML page

    Then you need to use the & character extenders in html eg &lt;?php print(&quot;this is a test\n&quot;); ?&gt;
  20. bugfinder

    Main Domain name change

    It depends exactly what you want to change. If you signed up for and changed your mind and want say you can do that from If you want to go to your site as you would do best to park the "" after...