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  1. descalzo

    No account

    Are you talking about ? If so, I do see some files. Or are you talking about a different site?
  2. descalzo

    Hosting Account Space Upgrade

    I might suggest you work with the photographer to get the photos down to size. First, use a software like GIMP (free, much of the same tools as Photoshop) to make the image the dimensions your software actually displays. If the original image is 900x1400 but the html only displays 450x700, then...
  3. descalzo

    Accounts Mysteriously Deleted

    This forum account was created TODAY. If you have a problem, post from the Forum Account that is linked the the Free Hosting account in question. 1) "any of my hosting accounts on x10" -- you should only have one Free Hosting Account. That will have to be addressed later. 2) Include the...
  4. descalzo

    Index Manager not Working

    Open or create a file named .htaccess in the directory Add the line: Options +Indexes To adjust the appearance of the index add either IndexOptions FancyIndexing OR IndexOptions -FancyIndexing Note that this can be a security hole and you are responsible for any negative effects.
  5. descalzo

    Index Manager not Working

    What exactly do you want to do? Almost everything that the index manager does, you can do my manually adjusting the .htaccess file in the directory involved.
  6. descalzo

    x10hosting Laravel Support

    [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)' in Your script is using "root" as a user, which is incorrect. It should be of the form: yourCPanelUserName_something, which your installation script should have either 1) created automatically or 2) asked you for...
  7. descalzo

    x10hosting Laravel Support

    A. Print the error message you get. Note what line of the script it says it occurs in. B. Post that section of the script. Indicate the line in question.
  8. descalzo

    QuickGallery PHP restriction?

    Correct. But if $gallery == "", then you get $imgdir == "/" which is WRONG. $gallery should be something like "/home/yourCPanelUserName/public_html/wheretheimagesare" Try posting everything above what you have already posted.
  9. descalzo

    QuickGallery PHP restriction?

    You have $gallery set to the empty string -- at least that is what the Error Message is saying.
  10. descalzo

    file_get_contents issue php level server

    I we can't see whatever you are trying to get from that URL because we are not logged id, how is your script supposed to? And as I said, put an "echo" statement to show what your are getting back. Not after your run it through a dozen other functions, but right at the source.
  11. descalzo

    account suspension

    Sorry about that. I gave the system a kick and you are unsuspended. Clear browser cache and history before checking on your site.
  12. descalzo

    file_get_contents issue php level server

    Agree with pnk. The problem seems to be that the URL you are requesting is not what you were expecting. After the second line, $c = file_get_contents($url); Add echo $c ; and see what the function returns and compare that with what your browser returns for that URL.
  13. descalzo

    file_get_contents issue php level server

    1. How are you using it (ie, post some code) 2. Any error messages?
  14. descalzo

    Problem with my website

    Looks fine in Chrome to me too. Running Version 34.0.1847.131 in Windows 8. Try clearing your browser cache and history in Chrome.
  15. descalzo

    Who killed x10 forums?

    Who killed x10 forums?
  16. descalzo

    Cannot connect Domain to x10hosting

    Why don't you bump your own thread? Also, it really helps if you include the domain that you are trying to add. Lastly, state whether you want it Parked or Add On -- if Add On, please state what subdirectory of public_html you want to be the root of the domain.
  17. descalzo

    When will I be able upload to my site?

    Sorry if this is blunt, but how do you expect to get help if you do not state exactly what your problem is? Really. FTP/Filezilla doesn't work? Can't get into cPanel FileManager? WordPress or Drupal site not working? Error messages?
  18. descalzo

    PhP Zip

    So, it seems that the servers are configured differently. The Admins should make them all the same (hope they don't kill Zip on xo2 but rather enable Zip on yours). Not sure if scripts like Drupal depend on the Zip module (Drupal uploads and installs modules and themes that are in .zip files).
  19. descalzo

    PhP Zip

    <?php $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open('', ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->addFromString('test.txt', 'file content goes here'); $zip->close(); echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'failed'; } $zipName = ""; // SUBSTITUTE YOUR OWN .ZIP...
  20. descalzo

    PHP ELSE error

    $query2 = ("INSERT INTO files (filename,usid,subfolder)VALUES ('$filename', $usid, 0)"); The filename field is given the contents of $filename If the filename field is blank, then $filename is blank. Figure out why $filename is blank. Throw in some echo $filename ; to see where you think...