Search results

  1. descalzo

    Account suspended (un-suspend button inoperative) and then account deleted!

    If it is just files in certain folders ... check any .htaccess files in those folders and see if there is a redirect to the Suspended page.
  2. descalzo

    Not able to delete files

    Use cPanel to check permissions. Files = 0644 , Directories = 0755 Adjust to proper permissions and then try again. If the permissions are wrong and you cannot delete the file /public_html/foo/bar.html , then you cannot delete the directory /public_html/foo ... ie, you have to check all...
  3. descalzo

    Reset MySQL admin password

    Use the cPanel to create a mySQL user. Add the new user to the database in question with ALL PRIVILEGES Use that user and password instead. I am assuming '<<SQLLogin>>' is you editing the real code so as to not post your cPanel username.
  4. descalzo

    Browsers and x10Hostings

    Digging a bit... 1) Frames are horrible 2) See #1 3) See #1 and #2 4) Check your links. Where do you want to go or ... looks like you have several x10 subdomains.
  5. descalzo

    Browsers and x10Hostings

    URLs of both sites would be a nice start. Using Cloudflare? And 99% of the time it is a caching problem. Either your browser or your ISP (yes, they cache too...saves them bandwidth).
  6. descalzo

    Now Online

    You might want to turn off "comments" on those pages where they would not be appropriate.
  7. descalzo

    Problem with imagemagick. What path? Please help

    Not installed:
  8. descalzo


    As pointed out, Perl is not officially supported on Free Hosting Accounts. If it is running on your particular server, understand that the Admins can turn it off at any time. This thread might bring it to the Admins attention and hasten that time. Assuming you are willing to take the risk...
  9. descalzo

    Can I get an update

    The situation: Please do not reply unless you are an Admin that can help him.
  10. descalzo

    New user need help has blacklisted the usual x10hosting nameservers. The new ones are alternatives. Just try what he suggested.
  11. descalzo

    404 Not Found

    Try: cPanel --> FileManager Check permissions on public_html -- should be 750
  12. descalzo

    Word Press Doesn't Work On a Subdomain?

    Are you talking about installing it onto another subdomain like ?
  13. descalzo

    Account suspended and then account deleted!

    Moved to own thread. The best way to have your problem ignored is to stick it on someone else's thread.
  14. descalzo

    Word Press Doesn't Work On a Subdomain?

    Another alternative is to uninstall WP via Softaculous Then install it into your subdomain and leave the "directory" box empty
  15. descalzo

    unsuspend account

    Done. Remember to clear your browser cache and history before checking on your site to prevent seeing a stored copy of the Suspended Page.
  16. descalzo

    Unable to access my account

    Hate to be harsh, but others might read this and learn... The rule is to log in once every 30 days. If suspended, it then takes 21 more days to delete the account. That is 51 days. More than 7 weeks. 1. Really valuable content should be backed up and saved at a different location, ie your...
  17. descalzo

    Account suspended can´t be reactivated

    Done. Remember to clear your browser cache and history before checking on your site.
  18. descalzo

    Php limit

    It does. It just doesn't support script variations that have huge requirements.
  19. descalzo

    Change domain name?

    Do not delete your account. An Admin will be by and make the change for you. If one does not post here in a couple of days, bump the thread to make it more visible.
  20. descalzo

    Php limit

    1. There is one php.ini for the entire server. You cannot edit it. The Admins will not make the changes that your request. 2. What distribution requires those high limits?