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  1. Corey

    PHP Problem plese help

    It should be working now, please confirm. -Corey
  2. Corey

    account dosent exist???

    Since this issue is resolved I'm going to close this thread. -Corey
  3. Corey

    How Long do i have To Wait For PHP Upgrade

    I'm going to go ahead and close this thread. Feel free to re-open it or create a new thread if further assistance is needed. -Corey
  4. Corey

    i got a domain name help geting it working

    That should be it. After changing the name servers it can take 24 hours for it to start working. -Corey
  5. Corey

    Having problems with my forum

    Also do: Please upgrade your PHP version to intermediate: <-- Use your FORUM user\pass. On the bottom left there is an option to upgrade. After you upgrade to intermediate if it shows blank just refresh a few times and it should come through. -Corey
  6. Corey

    Problem with accessing cPanel

    Can you try both these:
  7. Corey

    Issues with Joomla and MySQL

    MySQL is really online and has been, we've disabled polling of it from the status scripts. Are you still having other issues with your site?
  8. Corey


    It is not really offline, it is just not being tracked by the server status script currently. -Corey
  9. Corey

    PHP still pending upgrade

    Looks like it's updated, can you verify?
  10. Corey

    Attempting to install Bugzilla

    Moving to level 2
  11. Corey

    Cossacks SQL Offline

    Those errors are script errors and not related to MySQL. It is telling you that something is being sent at the top of your script before the code, check and make sure there are no spaces or special characters. -Corey
  12. Corey

    enabling ini_set()

    Please upgrade your PHP version to intermediate: <-- Use your FORUM user\pass. On the bottom left there is an option to upgrade.
  13. Corey

    mySQL Server Down since yesterday

    MySQL is not really down, we have restricted polling for the status. I'll move this to level 2 so it can be looked into further. -Corey
  14. Corey

    MySQL down on Absolut >1 day

    Hi, MySQL is NOT really off. We support mysql_ on all the servers, and we are using MySQL 5.0. Some servers also support mysqli and all will in the next month. Regarding FTP, in the settings of your FTP client it probably has multiple connections. Turn this OFF. FileZilla especially opens...
  15. Corey

    absolut mySQL down..

    Please provide a link to where the error is displayed. -Corey
  16. Corey

    PHP files won't load

    Everything on your site seems to be working for me. Can you try clearing your temp files, cache ? -Corey
  17. Corey

    Absolut cron tab still down

    I've made some tweaks for the script that watches cron, see if it works now. MySQL is not really down, the status script just can't connect. -Corey
  18. Corey

    Joomla Site Not Loading (Blank Page)

    Please provide a link. -Corey
  19. Corey

    Database Error

    I'm moving this to level2 so it gets a closer look. -Corey
  20. Corey

    Trouble With Wordpress set up

    It should be resolved when your upgrade for intermediate goes into affect. If it does not please post back. -Corey