We are trying to make the process better by joining both plans together on the same server. This will prevent abuse by our users making your site load quicker.
Please be patient, within the coming weeks, it is going to be a lot better. :)
Please wait until the server transfer for your server is complete. Our backend systems will currently not work with all accounts until the server transfer(s) are complete.
Please wait until the server transfer for your server is complete. Our backend systems will currently not work with all accounts until the server transfer(s) are complete.
Since the server transfers are not complete yet, the control panel won't work for everyone. Check back after the server transfer of your current server is complete.
You should upgrade your PHP version to Intermediate.
Changing your PHP version is a quick and easy task. Login to the account management panel ( http://www.x10hosting.com/login ) with your forum username and password. On the left hand side near the bottom is a section called 'PHP version'...