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  1. Livewire

    Account Suspended

    You agreed to the TOS on signup which said quite clearly that file hosting was not allowed, and neither were copyrighted mp3's on the webspace in any way shape or form. You broke both sections, which is why we cannot unsuspend you or provide access to the account, even to remove the files...
  2. Livewire

    Account Suspended

    You can't resolve it because permanent means "never able to be reversed." And of course you can't login to cpanel; when suspended your access is revoked.
  3. Livewire

    Social Engine

    Well you -could- have, if it wasn't NULLED. You're permanently suspended for attempting to use warez with our hosting. You will not be granted access to backups, or your account for any reason period.
  4. Livewire

    Important Notice: WP Robot

    I didn't see the script he says he nulled -on- his account.
  5. Livewire

    Error: "Due to continued abuse from your country of origin..."

    We can't force-create the account properly at the moment, so I'd go back to whichever host you were trying to leave from (I cleared the name since it's a rival of x10 and we don't allow discussing of rivals) or find one that doesn't block your country.
  6. Livewire

    My request

    Provide your valid vBulletin license number then. Otherwise it's an unlicensed copy of vBulletin which is a zero tolerance violation of the Warez section of our TOS and can't be removed. Also, how could you -not- know it was nulled? If you didn't pay the $150 or whatever it costs to get it...
  7. Livewire


    The TOS on proxies: * Proxies: We do not allow any kind of proxies to be used on our servers, for any reason. Doesn't matter if it was for testing, or that you claim you didn't know they were prohibited. It's been in the TOS since I joined back in 2005. As per the suspension reason, it's...
  8. Livewire

    Website to Download and Play Music

    Or don't host the mp3's on your second x10hosting account. That could work too, mahamusic201011, who also just had their mp3 hosting account permanently suspended for copyright infringement. Removing the link and closing the topic for Illegal Content, user infracted.
  9. Livewire

    Strange timeout issue

    Probably the port 80 blocking cause of Content Scraping and Proxies being disallowed; I'll escalate this up to see if that's something we can white-list access to though.
  10. Livewire

    Important Notice: WP Robot

    Yeah I already advised Corey on IM shortly after seeing his reply here that AutoBlog Samurai is actually -worse- than WP-Robot which seems to just cookie-cutter everything. I have my money on him snagging a copy and filtering against it. And I don't get the point to auto-blogging. Sure my...
  11. Livewire

    Proxies!!! I didn't use!

    Hmm. You might be correct, but if I'm to go off the zip file name, you did indeed use a Poxy. Oh that's right, you -did- use a proxy, my bad, forgot to check the actual index.php file. <?php /* +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Script...
  12. Livewire

    Proxies!!! I didn't use!

    Checking, 1 sec.
  13. Livewire

    Mod rewrite -- SEF urls not functioning

    Closing thread/ticket at request; let us know if you run into other troubles! :)
  14. Livewire

    confirmation for hosting my website on x10

    That might explain the suspension actually; downloads are fine but they have to actually relate to the site in question, and according to the suspension reason on you it was returning a 403 forbidden on root. Just confirmed there's no webpages on the account at all which explains why it got...
  15. Livewire

    How To Upgrade

    Head to and purchase a new account; there's two ways to get the data and whatnot copied over once you've got the paid account. The easiest way to move the data then is to use the link to the clients ticket area (you'll receive it after signing up - it's COMPLETELY separate...
  16. Livewire


    You were permanently suspended: Copyrighted music hosting we are not here to host your mp3s. This is a violation of the Copyright Infringement and File Hosting sections of the TOS. We can't unsuspend you.
  17. Livewire

    help reactive accout

    First Ticket: Told it was permanent. Second Ticket: Told it was permanent again and warned against opening multiple tickets. Third...
  18. Livewire

    if premiam hosting plaan suscribe to retern my file

    I did say permanent, did I not? Permanent: not capable of being reversed or returned to the original condition. Premium hosting does not allow illegal file hosting either, so no. Also, thanks for ignoring the warning about multiple tickets and for not understanding that permanent means NO...
  19. Livewire

    plz reactivate account suspended Closing ticket as you have already been informed this is a permanent suspension that cannot be removed, period. This is also your only warning on opening multiple tickets for the same issue.
  20. Livewire

    please my web file reten to me ............

    Closing ticket. You were already told this is a permanent suspension - under a permanent suspension we no longer have access to your files. As a good web admin it's your job to keep backups, and that's also covered in part 6 of the TOS - YOU are responsible for your backups, and once we cancel...