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  1. Livewire

    Suspension emails

    Make sure to login to your forum account soon as well; it might already have you in the inactivity queue since the x10hosting forums are still showing your last login was november 5th, which is more than 31 days ago.
  2. Livewire

    Help Unsuspensions :((

    I can type in bold too! But seriously. You're permanently suspended for copyright infringement and file hosting, both of which you cannot be unsuspended for, PERIOD. Closing this ticket since it's now resolved.
  3. Livewire

    Account deletation

    You are currently permanently suspended for hosting a bittorrent tracker. We will not expedite the erasure of your account.
  4. Livewire

    explain my site

    Under a zero tolerance permanent suspension no backups can be provided, period. Under the TOS you're responsible for all backups anyways.
  5. Livewire

    explain my site

    No, because File Hosting and Unsupported Language aren't allowed on the prime membership.
  6. Livewire

    explain my site

    I have updated your suspension reason after reviewing the account and your explanation; we've got File Hosting for a strange zip file you've got in 3 different places, script hosting since you didn't explain why net2ftp's installed (although this one could normally be explained anyways, when...
  7. Livewire

    Cannot create mysql database

    Where are you creating it from? PHPMyAdmin, or from within cPanel, cause if it's from within PHPMyAdmin that'd be why.
  8. Livewire

    Boru Issue

    The problem with boru shouldn't be related to making or creating databases. That issue itself should be handled in your support ticket and not here as well, just to keep things neat.
  9. Livewire

    Boru Issue

    @mauri: Now you can tell them it's cause you were running a file hosting service in violation of our TOS and got permanently suspended for it. And don't blame me for suspending it, for once it wasn't me. @Corey: Thanks much, good to know it's working again for the moment at least!
  10. Livewire

    [5 Credits]A Unique Social Network! wanna create your own social network?

    Closing Topic. Someone did a necrobump a year and a half, and it just got bumped again. The link has been dead for at -least- 10 months, likely more.
  11. Livewire

    Nothing happens

    You're gunna laugh I swear it. #1: Change your mysql username/password ASAP, it's exposed in the code because: #2: HTML doesn't process through the php engine, and the page is a .html page. Change the extension to .php and update your mysql username/pass since they're currently exposed :)...
  12. Livewire

    Need files

    Well not only is your vBulletin install nulled like the suspension reason originally said, but I found your porn collection. You are now 100% permanently suspended and we cannot unsuspend you for any reason.
  13. Livewire

    Need files

    Reconfirming the suspension since it's for a missing license #. IF it turns out it's legit we can unsuspend it so you can get backups, but if it's not a legal version of vB you won't get unsuspended.
  14. Livewire

    suspension of my account

    Unfortunately since you violated the TOS with a Zero Tolerance reason, the account is permanently suspended and we can't provide access or backups anymore.
  15. Livewire


    Any reason you needed to test the ticket system? We already know it works... If there's something you need help with, let us know.
  16. Livewire

    Avoiding High Resource Usage?

    The high resource usage stuff doesn't actually have much to do with what's on the page so much as it does what the page itself is doing. If all it's doing is load and display, it should be fine. PHP pages are usually the ones causing high-resource suspensions - the HRU stuff is based purely on...
  17. Livewire

    Haven't uploaded copyrighted multimedia

    Your account was permanently suspended by our CEO as he found the account to be in violation of the File Hosting clause in our TOS; there's no way to unsuspend the account when he's the one taking it offline. The x10hosting premium plans (known as x10premium) don't support File Hosting either...
  18. Livewire

    What shall I do?

    This time you got nailed for the CF Image Hosting script you had on your account. That's not allowed, and is a permanent zero tolerance suspension for file hosting, which we clearly disallow in the TOS. This suspension cannot be removed for any reason.
  19. Livewire

    susupended account due to "Copied a government website zt."

    The problem I can see is it got suspended by one of the higher ups which means we can't unsuspend it. The other problem I have is less about the account and more about why a -government- is using free hosting to host their website. I know it makes sense for someone in school to have to use...
  20. Livewire

    question about file uploading..

    Yup; if they're okay with redisting them, then you're golden as long as you remember to link to them from somewhere on the site so they're not "orphaned files" :) And congrats on actually doing the legwork to make sure it's legit. Judging by how many suspensions we get, you can probably guess...