1. You always need a password
2. Standard method is to use phpMyAdmin in cPanel to create and add a user (with ALL PRIVILEGES) to your database. You use that user and his password. The username will be of the format : your-cPanel-username_something .
If you are trying to connect to mySQL from within a script on your site, you use localhost
If you are trying to connect to mySQL from outside your site, that is not allowed. Remote access has been disabled and will not be enabled.
If you cannot access the wp-admin area,
go to cPanel -> databases -> phpMyAdmin
select your wordpress db
you want to edit the wp_options or options table
find where option_name = site_url and CAREFULLY edit option_value to the new value.
When you are logged in
top of the forum
"Settings" -- click
Left pane
My Settings
--My Account
----General Settings --- click
Private Messaging --- make sure enabled
Everything I try just comes back 403. If you are getting the "Website Coming Soon" you might try clearing your browser cache and history, closing browser, and then reopening browser.
I have 5 different browsers (to check for differences) on my machine and I often find it easier just to check a...
cPanel --> Mail section --> MX Entry icon
Automatically Detect Configuration (recommended) more » SHOULD BE CHOSEN
Add your entries and delete the existing one that points (usually with 0 priority) to your domain
It's a lot easier to find you when you post under the Forum account that is actually linked to your Free Hosting Account.
Drop the user from the database and then add it back making sure you check ALL PRIVILIGES
On further review:
$lol = mysql_select_db("whatn32_social", $con);
should be the same as your cPanel username (like in your db user). Missing an s
I get a MySQL error message from NukeEvolution.
Try clearing your browser cache and history to clear out the cached domain-does-not-exist page and so you can work on the MySQL problem.
Might have something to do with the fact that you have password protected public_html .
Not sure how Safari might cache that.
But sites here are supposed to be public and the Admins might want to know why your site isn't.
Once an account has been deleted (in your case due to suspension for inactivity) everything is gone. No backups. No way to retrieve anything. Files or databases.
Title says srmanning but link says smanning -- typo?
smanning.x10.mx sends me to your homepage. Try clearing your browser cache and history to get rid of old information.
You were told once:
You apparently post here and ignore any response, including warnings about the type of files you wanted to upload to your account.